Had brown spotting and mild cramps on thursday. My clinic stopped my clexane and moved my scan to Monday morning. Spotting stopped and cramps improved but this evening I had more intense cramps for about an hour then passed quite a lot of blood when I went to the toilet. I called my clinic oncall dr who advised that if the bleeding becomes continuous and severe then to go to a&e otherwise they will scan me on monday as planned. The cramping is a lot less intense and I am monitoring the bleeding, it seems to have calmed down although still there when I wipe although it only happened about an hour ago. Does anyone have any advice? Should I go to a&e or wait to see if it gets worse? Such a worry! xx
Bleeding and cramping @ 6w2d - Fertility Network UK
Bleeding and cramping @ 6w2d

im sorry ive not been through the experience so im not sure what to advise but just wanted to say I hope everything works out ok xoxo
Hi, I realise you will be so worried and I would say that if it gives you reassurance then go to A&E rather than being really worried over the weekend. My story - I had a lot of red blood over a few hours at approx 5.5 weeks and was told to just completely rest. I also had what felt like period cramps. Cramps and bleeding stopped. I had a similar episode at exactly 7 weeks and called my clinic and got a scan that evening. Thankfully everything was OK but they found a hematoma which was the source of the bleeding. I definitely thought the worst due to the cramps and the amount of bright red blood. I'm sending positive thoughts that all is OK for you. Xx
Thank you so much for sharing your experience, and sorry you had to go through that twice. You must have been really worried too. The cramps I had this evening were a lot like my period cramps and the blood was quite a lot too like my AF when it starts. The pain is still there but not as severe and my pad has not filled much in the last 45 mins or so. I think I will just monitor for now and see what happens. Thank you so much for your reassurance and for giving me some hope xx
Sorry this is happening to you. It must be so worrying. I would rather sit the extra few hours in a&e than driving myself crazy at home but I really hope everything works out. Thinking of you xxx
In my experience a&e won’t do a lot unless you are bleeding dangerous amounts like over a pad an hour. You are best comfy at home looking after yourself. I really hope that with time the bleeding eases - there are so many reasons why it may happen and it doesn’t need to be bad news. Good luck xx

Thank you Daisy, the bleeding has stopped and now just brown when I wipe (sorry tmi). I still have some mild cramping but more noticeable on movement (just had to get up to do my morning injections) and its not persistent now. I will be spending the day in bed and hoping for the best. Thanks again for your advice, really helped to give me some reassurance xx
Bless you, it's horrible having bleeding at any stage! It's happened to me in both pregnancies, sadly the first time was at 6 weeks and ended in MC, what I can share about my experience was that it was quite obvious to me what was happening, the bleeding was heavy, bright red and painful and didn't slow down or stop at all. Whereas in this pregnancy I've also had loads of bleeding but more like what you've described, on and off and mostly brown. It turned out to be a sub chorionic haematoma (bleed in the uterus) and it resolved itself by about 8 weeks. I'm 15 weeks now and all seems to be going well. I really hope to hear some positive news and that your bleeding stays away from now on ❤️x
Hi Kitcat, thank you so much for sharing your experiences. I'm sorry to hear about your mc, must have been really awful to go through. I hope that as my symptoms sound more like what you had with your current pregnancy that perhaps my outcome may not end in the worst case scenario. It must have been really scary for you to have bleeding again this time round but glad to hear it has all settled and your pregnancy is continuing well. Thanks again for sharing, hopefully tomorrow I will have some positive news xx
So worrying for you! To be honest A & E wont do much. I called NHS 24 after I'd had bleeding and they just told me to speak to early pregnancy. I already had a scan arranged. Sadly for me it wasnt good news but a lady that had what she called "severe" bleeding at the same time as me is well into her pregnancy now so there is still hope!! Good luck, hope it all settles down!xx
Hi Poppy, bless you it is so hard when these things start to happen as we always think the worst. The best advise I can give you is rest up and remember for some people during pregnancy it is perfectly normal to bleed and have the cramps. Hopefully this is just the usual bleeding and nothing more. A&E will do bloods and book you in for a scan at the EPU. I hope everything is ok and things have calmed down for you. Xx
Hi Purplerain, thank you so much for your kind words and reassuring message. I'm trying really hard not to think the worst but it's so hard. Things seems to have calmed down a lot today although I still have some discomfort, but no more fresh blood, just some brown when I wipe (sorry tmi). I'm resting up in bed today and seeing my private clinic tomorrow morning for a scan which will hopefully give me some reassurance. Been thinking of you, hope you are doing ok xx
25% of women with successful pregnancies bleed in 1st trimester. Commonly caused by SCH or cervical irritation. Both self heal. Try to rest and hopefully all will be well tomorrow. Look forward to good news posting.
Hi poppy, Its awful times i know when u worried sick about the bleeding and cramping. I was bleeding when i was 7weeks on and off and im worried sick too. I phoned my Clinic about it and book for a scan they told me cramping is normal and sometimes bleeding too. Mostly ivf patient go through this and end up having a healthy successful pregnancy. Cramping and bleeding is mostly sometimes cause of the embryo implanting itself. They need to dig deeper in your uterus, And our uterus is full off blood vessel that cause the bleed. Hopefully you will have good news tomorrow finger crossed for you👍🏼🙏🏼xx goodluck!
Hi, thank you so much for your reassuring message and kind words. Sorry to hear you've been through a similar experience too. Have you had your scan following your bleeding yet? I hope that all is progressing well for you. I've been feeling really up and down today but trying to be as hopeful as I can and been resting up. I still have discomfort though which is worrying me and not looking forward to having to make the journey into my clinic in the morning, but at the same time cant wait to have that scan. Hopefully I will have some positive news to share tomorrow xx
Yes, sorry i forgot to tell you everything went well in that scan im now 34weeks. And thats what they told me most of ivf pregnancy sometimes bleed but bleeding is not always bad news. Praying for you and hopefully everything will be ok tom.xx
thank poppy, hope you ok and have a good news yesterday🙏🏼sending you lots of love .xxx
Im resting up but had really good news yesterday. No sign of the cause of the bleeding and it turns out I'm having twins! Both are doing well so far! In absolute shock but delighted. Going back for another scan in 2 weeks xx
Thats brilliant news glad your ok☺️and having twins thats amazing ! hope you will have a fantastic and safe pregnancy and healthy babies🙏🏼❤️
Hi! So good to read about the great news! I had bleeding (like period) even a big clot at 6 weeks +. We thought It was the end... But no... Sometimes It just happens I guess... They gave me extra progesterone and I am now almost 26 weeks.
Wish you all the best xxx

Thank you so much. The bleeding is a really awful experience to go through as you automatically think the worst, but it seems so many have it and everything is fine! Sorry you had to go through that experience too but glad all is well. They did question my progesterone levels but seems they were high already. Wishing you all the best with the remainder of your pregnancy xx
Thanks! Hope It all goes right too xx