Fallopian tubes removed today... glad... - Fertility Network UK

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Fallopian tubes removed today... glad to have it done, but also a little sad!

Coracle profile image
16 Replies

Hi all. Not been a regular visitor for a while. Hello everybody.

I am getting ready for another donor egg cycle, but our prepatory scan showed I had a hydrosalpinx (fluid in one of the fallopian tubes, due to blockage from my endo). If you don't know about this, they recommend removing or clipping the tube if this happens, because the fluid can gloop out into the uterus at the wrong moment and be bad for an implanting embryo.

So, today went for my surgery, and luckily I prepared myself mentally for having both tubes removed, depending on what the surgeon saw.. and yes, she didn't like the look of the other tube either so out it came.

I feel glad neither tube can cause probs in the future, and one good thing is that my uterus cavity looks good (I had hysteroscopy at the same time) so that is positive.. but a little sad to finally wave goodbye to my tubes and fertility! Although I know the reality is that I had near zero chance on my own.

So... enjoying allowing myself to be totally lazy today post-op! Enjoyed the hospital bed with it's buttons to get in a lovely comfy position this afternoon :) And am now home enjoying cats, sofa and a fire, not to mention chocolate cookies..

Lots of love to you all xx

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Coracle profile image
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16 Replies

Hello Coracle. Nice to see you back.

I'll reply properly in a while, but saw you mentioned cats - so thought I'd let you know that Channel 5 now has cats on. Jo Brand.. It's lovely. I think there is also channel 5 + 1. There was the most beautiful Maine Coon cat on it.

Heal and rest well. Endo took my left tube too and I suspect my right tube needs to go, having terrible relentless endo pain for the last 3 or so months.

These tubes are definitely better out than in for IVF. Much to look forward to for your donor egg cycle. When are you hoping to cycle? xx

Coracle profile image
Coracle in reply to

Hi there, thanks for the cat programme tip! I have two Tonkinese (cross between Siamese and Burmese which I can so recommend... like a more chilled Siamese, and lots of dog traits.. v affectionate and clever) and a rescue Tabby who thinks the Tonks are the work of the devil...!

So sorry to hear about your pain. Do hope things improve or you get surgery soon.

My surgeon today was very positive.. get matching she said! You could transfer next month if you wanted to! Am with Manchester doing their access fertility programme... or hoping to.. I now need to get access fertility's approval to go ahead.. and then get matching!

Thanks for the good wishes... lots of them back to you xx

Hayleigh86 profile image

You definitely deserve a lazy day or two! Enjoy your home comforts and cuddles off your cats. Best wishes for your future xx

baby2016 profile image

Aww Coracle. You sound so positive about it all which is brilliant. I'm tubeless too! Glad it went well. They often say if it's diagnosed in 1 it will mirror in the other one so least both were done at the same time. I'm due to start DE cycle later this month too 😬 good luck with your upcoming cycle xx

Coracle profile image
Coracle in reply to baby2016

Thanks for sharing and the encouragement. Good luck with your cycle!

Well done for your pma. Xx

Scarlett13 profile image

I had both my blocked tubes clipped, felt sad, but it's for the best! Enjoy the rest! I have a ragdoll called Mr Winklepicker. Your cats sound lovely x I wish you all the best for your next round

Honeypie36 profile image

Had both my tubes removed in 2014 so I could start IVF and like you I was sad but it's for the best when u are trying for IVF!! I'm about to start my stim meds for our #3 and last try at it... wishing u lots of luck & love....

Coracle profile image
Coracle in reply to Honeypie36

Thanks Honeypie. Really good luck to you for this cycle xxx

Bobenhams3 profile image

I was the same as you, two years ago I had the same op but they only partly removed both of tubes. The outcome is the same and I too was sad at first, I knew I wasn’t able to get pregnant myself due to my endo but that op just made it all the more real.

I had that done in the October 2015 and thanks to IVF I got my positive pregnancy in January 2016. Best thing I did!

Hope this has given you some hope, everything crossed that things work out for you x

Coracle profile image
Coracle in reply to Bobenhams3

Thanks for sharing, so glad to hear about your positive result xx

Emmyeve profile image

Errrm cookies or tubes, I know which one I’d prefer every time! 😜 if they were doing more bad than good then like you say you didn’t need them & plenty plenty plenty of babbas here without the use of them things. Put your feet up & enjoy being all cosy with your cats because there’ll be no time for rest before you know it. Mwah!! X

Music1 profile image

Hi Coracle, I just wanted to say 'I wish you all the best and every luck in the world'. I lost both my tubes to Endo as well. My consultant said I couldn't start ivf without having them clipped. However, after waking from surgery I was told he had removed both of them. Came as a huge blow. I cried for days and possibly weeks as we hadn't long been trying and I still thought there was the slightest hope of me getting pregnant naturally. It didn't work for me- 3 cycles using my own eggs. 1 BFP that turned into a quick BFN. 1 donor egg cycle which failed, 1 FET which was stopped a few days before transfer, but 2 frosties left. I believe 1 may be good.

Am still waiting for my consultant after last cycle was stopped at transfer after my blood test came back with hypothyroidism. If it isn't one thing it's another and they keep coming.

So glad you're able to relax, sit with your cats, sofa, fire and chocolate cookies. I've heard of others who have had positive outcomes. Anything that can increase your chances has to be a good thing. I'm also with Manchester :) Everything crossed for you xx

Coracle profile image
Coracle in reply to Music1

So sorry to hear about your experience. I can totally imagine it being a huge blow when early on the journey. I know what you mean about 'if it's not one thing it's another'! Very sorry also to hear about your cycles so far and really hope you are successful with at least one of your frosties. Good position to be in at the moment with frosties in the freezer xx

Good to know you're also at Manchester! Let's keep in touch x

Cinderella5 profile image

Oh I missed this! Hope you're recovering well from your surgery and resting up!!xx

Coracle profile image

Thanks so much everyone for all the stories shared and encouragement. Am doing well one week on, it's amazing how the body recovers isn't it. Now hoping to get accepted by Access Fertility for the donor cycle package programme at Manchester.. then get going with donor matching... onward and upward! xx

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