Hello everyone!!
I'm new here, but I'm facing a hard decision and would love your input and help me make a choise.
So I've had sacto/hydrosalpinx for a year or so and the left one looks completely damaged. It's also been causing pain and watery discharge, which is annoying so that one is going to be removed via laparoscopy. The other one looks a bit unclear ultrasound. My doctor couldn't say if it should be removed. I'm not sure what I should do!
I could tell them to leave it untouched. I would have some (perhaps false) hope for the rest of my otherwise fertile years. Or I could tell them to look at it and decide based on how damaged it looks.
I honestly don't have high hopes that neither one of them works right. I do get my period sometimes, but not regurarly. But... You never know, right? It feels tough to decide to get them both gone. I don't think I'd ever decide to try IVF for many reasons.