Hi I’m new
Just been reading everyone posts for a few days now and thinking I should share my story.
At 29 I got told I had premature ovarian failure (Pof). Cutting a long story short I would need a egg donor. However I did fall pregnant naturally at 32 but sadly lost it at 8 weeks. My first cycle was in 2015 our local clinic found us a donor as they were going through the egg sharing route. We got 2 low grade embryos which were implanted and none to freeze, this cycle resulted in a chemical pregnancy. We were gutted. Then in 2016, 6 months after our first cycle, we had a phone call asking if we wanted or felt ready to try again. We went for it thinking we had a better chance this time.
We got 10 eggs, 3 fertilised, we had 1 put back and 2 frozen. BFN
So brings us to November 17, we thought back in August to use the Fet as we felt ready to, we had both had a long break from the fertility rollercoaster. So I did everything differently this time I did acupuncture, reflexology, took multi vitamin tablets. I was very relaxed. Last Wednesday would be our transfer day.
I went to work I work in a nursery with babies I did paperwork to try and occupy me, as I knew my little blobs of life were being took out of a freezer today. I was so restless even more so when the clinic didn’t phone me at 11.30 I knew then deep down something had gone wrong.
I asked my other half to ring the clinic to see what was happening. He rang back with the worst news ever. Our worse fears had been confirmed that none of my Frosties had survived.
That was last Wednesday and I’m still trying to keep my head around it all. Our clinic only gives NHS patients 2 cycles of egg donation, UNLESS you can find a donor under the age of 35, I’m 38 and all my friends are either the same age or older. We will now have to pay and at the nearby clinic an hour away costs 11 grand for one cycle. We don’t want to adopt and hate it when people drop the “A” word, I can’t explain why we don’t. So today feels like I’m looking at the clock constantly, I should be on my 2WW. Instead we have been robbed and I feel empty inside.😥