Hi fellow warriors
Thanks again for all your support over the last few weeks. It really has made a difference in this journey when I was losing hope so thank you. 💛
I’m very sad to say the embryologist called to say our embryo hadn’t grown any more and they were still cells so hadn’t reached the morula stage. Just devastating. 😭
We asked a few questions and she said my hubby’s sperm was grade 1 (although we know he has DNA fragmentation so the chance of them picking a good one through IMSI was 50:50 according to my hubby’s urologist) and the embryo was grade 1 until day 3 but they couldn’t grade them after that.
We asked why they might have stopped developing at this stage and she said it could be something to do with genetics and be linked to the sperm or egg quality. I’m so worried it’s going to come back to my egg quality. We were told at our NHS clinic a year ago our quickest way to get pregnant was donor eggs but after one transfer I didn’t feel I was ready to give up on my own eggs yet.
We have eaten healthily from the start of this year following a plan from a fertility dietician recommended by our clinic (even during lockdown, not easy!), I went gluten free, was on an intense supplement programme for egg quality, haven’t drunk alcohol for over four months and my hubby has been working on his DNA fragmentation which has improved loads yet we are in a worse position than our previous cycle (although we had two egg batching cycles last time as the NHS clinic insisted we do this so we had four embies to develop from day 3 after defrosting them).
We are four years into our TTC journey and I’m not ready to give up yet but just hope I’m strong enough mentally to get through this. The process is just brutal. I have been going to regular counselling for almost a year now as I got so down after our BFN last year.
Any tips for our follow consultation? I don’t think the long Gonal F protocol worked for me as I was slow to respond (this hasn’t happened in previous cycles when I was on Meriofert and Fostimon) and will be asking about alternative protocols. How long before we can start again? My thyroid went crazy after our last BFN so we had a year’s gap between cycles.
Thanks again for your support and advice. Wishing my cycle buddies BFPs and everyone else lots of baby dust for their future journeys. xxx