Hi,I'm new here and I am looking for advice as I feel that my case is quite specific and outside the usual norm. I had a silent miscarriage 2 years ago, I then had a D&C which seems to have impacted my lining. Over the last year I was able to get three frozen embryos, however my lining has consistently become thinner over time, and even more so with the suprecur and with the estrogen & patches. Scratch and hysteroscopy also didn't make a difference. we have now gone in full circle and the doctors (ACU Kingston) want to go back to a natural cycle which we know hasn't worked before. Nobody seems to know why lining becomes thinner throughout the cycle and why it does what it does. If anyone has any advice or, or has had a similar situation and/or recommend someone who can help with this, I would be extremely grateful.
Many thanks,