ICSI test day: Can anyone help??Today... - Fertility Network UK

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ICSI test day

BonnieCH profile image
17 Replies

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Can anyone help??Today is day 16 (test day) 11 days post transfer. I had two blastocysts put in on day 5. I decided to test on Friday day 14 (9dpt) I got a positive faint line on Friday morning, however yesterday and today I've got a BFN! I'm unclear why I had the positive on Friday?

Could this be a chemical pregnancy? Any help would be appreciated. I've not experienced any symptoms so was sure this cycle hadnt worked but fridays result gave me false hope. I suffer with endometriosis, having two cyst removed in April. Whilst in treatment a cyst on my left side had reappeared. I'm now questioning if the endometriosis has stopped the implantation?

Anyone with any similar experiences or advise would be greatly appreciated :( x

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BonnieCH profile image
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17 Replies

Maybe ask your clinic or dr for a blood hcg test to be sure? I wonder if the Friday result could still have been the trigger in your system though it does seem quite late on for that to be the case.

BonnieCH profile image
BonnieCH in reply to Lizzielizzielizzie

Thanks, I will call first thing to follow up. I thought it would be too late for the trigger to still be in my system.

This is our first cycle so all new to me. Thanks again x

Filmgirl101 profile image

Did you have a hcg trigger shot after the embryo went back in? Or used a less sensitive test? I have to wait until 12 days after transfer to test as they are giving me a trigger shot the day of the transfer.

BonnieCH profile image
BonnieCH in reply to Filmgirl101


I took my trigger shot, two days prior to egg collection. I was told it would stay in my system for two weeks so that ended Weds this week. I'm wondering now if it was just a dodgy test.

Didn't realise you could have a trigger shot after transfer. This process is completely new to me.

Best of luck with your cycle X

E8989 profile image

That may be an evap line from dodgy test did you test today? Xx

BonnieCH profile image
BonnieCH in reply to E8989

Yes tested yesterday and today, both negative. Will call the hospital tomor for our follow up appointment. All seemed to well until our transfer 😢

Thank you xx

E8989 profile image
E8989 in reply to BonnieCH

Sorry it's negative are you testing early tho? Maybe still in for a BFP or ask clinic for bloods as you had that test which is really confusing for you 😘 xx

BonnieCH profile image
BonnieCH in reply to E8989

Tested on day 14 & 16. Day 9 & 11 ptd. So fairly sure it's a no for us.

Thanks X

Daxi16 profile image

That doesn't look quite right blurry like dye run. These tests where not that accurate when I used them always gave me false hope. You very well could be tho but try another test? Have you tried FRER or Superdrug early tests are fab let us know. Fingers crossed for you xxx

BonnieCH profile image
BonnieCH in reply to Daxi16

Hi Daxi,

A friend said the exact same. I've also used first response so think moving forward I'll leave the boots tests.

I'm fairly sure we are not pregnant but thank you for your kind words.

I feel we'll now be on for another round. Did you have success with ivf? X

Daxi16 profile image
Daxi16 in reply to BonnieCH

I had success with clomid but the test that told me before any other was Superdrug early response tests! It was just like a grey line but enough for me to get a FRER that still showed negative until the day after! They are much cheaper than FRER too! Best of luck Hun it's not over till it's over xxx

BonnieCH profile image
BonnieCH in reply to Daxi16

Thank you so much. Sounds daft but I know 3 people who've all had first time success at my clinic this year so I secretly hoped we'd be in the same position.

The fight continues X

emmab178 profile image

Just to check the second and third tests were they done by the instructions of the test? First urine of the day, waited the right amount of time etc? Were they the same make as the first one?

Unfortunately no one really knows what impact endo has on fertility. They know if it’s significant it pumps out its own oestrogen and that seems to be where the facts stop. Many women with endo conceive naturally. I know that all my lady bits are stuck together and I had a 5cm endo mass at the start of ivf but because it was out of the uterus we carried on.

BonnieCH profile image
BonnieCH in reply to emmab178

Hi Emma,

Yes both morning first pee of the day tests. I'm fairly sure it's a bfn for us.

Did you have a successful pregnancy with your endo? With ivf? I've been concerned now that I could need another op to remove the cyst that came back during treatment.

I do also have considerable endo in my pelvis so am wondering now if that could of impacted the Implantation not sticking.

Any words of wisdom about your process would be greatly received. Thank you X

emmab178 profile image
emmab178 in reply to BonnieCH

I think it all depends where the endo is. When I've spoken to the highest expert I've seen he's still saying 'current thinking is....' fills you with no confidence that they'd enough research for anyone to know for definite what's going on. Are you being seen for the endo separately? I got the impression that my fertility dr was ignoring the endo but the bgse specialist could do both endo and fertility as in look at tubes etc.

I'm 38 with only one ovary, pregnant with our first go at icsi and now 32 weeks with one frostie at the clinic.

Think i read something last night that even with endo you can conceive naturally. Plenty of success stories the old fashioned way as long as the tubes aren't blocked and you are ovulating.

BonnieCH profile image
BonnieCH in reply to emmab178

My consultant did my op this year and has seen me through my treatment. He's highly recognised in my part of the country.

I had cysts on my ovaries removed in April which were endo. I saw online earleir that endo in your pelvis can make for a hostile environment for implantation so not sure if this contributed to our failure?

Your story had just filled me with hope 🤞🏼

During my op this year I had my tubes cleaned and checked, advised all was ok.

Our follow up is booked for the 31st so hopeful we will have more joy with our second cycle X

emmab178 profile image
emmab178 in reply to BonnieCH

That's good. I screwed up because my consultant was just a general gynae and not a bgse surgeon. He still presented himself as an endo expert because he'd helped develop a laser technique however not being bgse accredited he just didn't have the skill set to address the extent of endo he found. Not today he admitted it! I still wonder if I'd have had my lap done by a properly skilled surgeon whether I'd still have my left ovary.

I didn't have time to have another lap with a proper surgeon so went straight to ivf knowing that I still had endo everywhere. Bowel stuck to uterus, remaining ovary stuck to a uterus ligament and a 5cm mass say somewhere where my left ovary should be potentially effecting my urinary system.

Hopefully at your follow up they can shed some light and maybe alter your treatment.

One lady on here had a medium quality blast after her first cycle and got a bfn. Second cycle no change in drugs or protocol but she had a top quality blast and something like 4 top quality frosties from that round. Unfortunately still a bfn but does show anything can happen cycle to cycle in terms of response.

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