I had my fresh transfer on the 1st of September. Tested on the 8th got a faint positive with FRER on the 9th another faint positive. On the 12th OTD I tested faint positive and 1-2 weeks with clearblue digital. Today is my official 2nd test date and I've tested with clearblue digital expecting to see 1-2 or 2-3 but I'm seeing 3+ I'm 5 plus 1 and I just thought it would should 2-3 before 3+. Has anyone had this? Also I wee every 30 mins or so. Nausea kicked in last week. Any advice would be appreciated
Clearblue Digital with weeks indicator - Fertility Network UK
Clearblue Digital with weeks indicator

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No that’s normal for 5 weeks congratulations x
No advice as I haven't got that far yet, other than well done, congratulations 💖💖 I think there can be variability test to test, but all seems to be going well for you!
I had the same transfer date! Congrats 💕 I didn’t use the digital test so no advice on that, sorry. How are you coping with nausea? I’ve managed to avoid that so far but my appetite has plummeted!
Awesome. I eat everything in sight then vomit but I'm forever starving. If I don't eat I vomit if I'm tired I vomit. Its exhausting
I'm same 5 weeks + 1 day. 😜 🤗
All sounding great! Congratulations.xx
Hey I had this too ... congratulations. All is progressing well 😊 Xxx
Congratulations. It’s exciting times ahead.I had my transfer on 2/9, with a positive result on 15/9 (OTD).When have you got your 1st scan?xx
You were the day after me. Did you have a 3 day embryo or a blastocyst? My scannis booked for 1st of October. My husband isn't allowed and I'm waiting to find out if he's allowed at the 12 weeks one so we can book a private one in between
I had a blastocyst.My scan is the 6 October, we are the same my husband isn’t allowed at the minute.They have told me to ring a few days before thou because there policies are supposed to be changing allowing partners to come.Lets hope they change soon and the men don’t miss out on the experience to.xx
Not long after me.. fingers crossed for you as it would be nice for your husband. Unfortunately policy at Bournhall won't change by the time my scan is due. Received midwife letters today I see them on the 5th and 7th of October. Its actually happening eek
I’m currently under Manchester but won’t be when I contact my own doctor.Don’t know what there policy is at my local hospital, might contact my doc to sort out midwife this week. It is all exciting xx
Congrats lovely!! Digital tests go from date of ovulation so you've got to add 2 weeks on xx
Its all confusing, I'm just happy the bean has stuck around tp be fair. Thank you all the same x
Great results, Tweet, congratulations!x
Congratulations 🥳 this is what clear blue said for me this time on OTD too (4+6) and I had an HCG blood test at 5+3 and it was just below 20k which they said was strong so I would say very strong result you have there! On the Nausea would reccomend ginger biscuits and anti sickness wrist bands and eating little and often xx
Oh wow. Husband and sis are convinced there are 2 in there. I'm still just hoping for 1 lol. I try to eat small but then I feel not full eat more and then vomit. You'd think I learn but nope. I have ginger tea and peppermint tea stocked as I drink those on a normal day.