So after over 2 and a half years of ttc I got pregnant last month. Unfortunately I had an ectopic pregnancy and had to have one of my fallopian tubes removed as it had ruptured😢 heartbreaking after trying for so long and finally seeing the 2 lines for this to the happen. I already had my appointment with a consultant booked in due to fertility issues anyway and having no particular problems, am ovulating, regular periods, semenanalysis fine so no obvious reason as to the fertility issues. Had my appointment today with the consultant and he's getting me booked in for a hsg, just got to wait for my next period before I can book it in. He's booking me in for my next appointment with him in 8 weeks time as he's hoping everything will be done by then, hsg and more blood tests. Am sure many of you have had a hsg just wondering what peoples experiences have been and what the possible outcomes are especially as he said the likeliness for my ectopic was problems with my fallopian tube and this means there's more than likely something wrong with my other one. Just wondering what peoples experiences have been in this area. Xxx
HCG: So after over 2 and a half years... - Fertility Network UK

So sorry to hear this!!! I can't imagine - I'm just still waiting after same amount of time so that news must be devastating! I have a friend who has got pregnant naturally after an ectopic and losing a tube...keep the faith 🙌🏼and discuss all your worries with consultant - write a list of all questions for your appointment. Good luck xxx
Hi HannahJas,
I wasn't offered an HSG after my ectopic - I'm not sure why. Possibly because we have male factor issues and were already on the waiting list for ICSI. Did your consultant say whether your remaining tube looked healthy from the outside during surgery? Sorry I can't help with the HSG side of things but I hope you are recovering well and have been getting plenty of rest. Xx
Hi hun, I had my HSG last month, not due to ectopic as I've never managed to get pregnant, but it was just to check if my tubes were clear. Thankfully they were, so none the wiser as to why it's not happening for us. HSG wasn't painful, a bit uncomfortable, like AF cramping but nothing worse than that. I hope it goes well for you x x x