Hey Ladies,
Hope you're all well, so had my baseline scan done yesterday and they're happy with everything, so i start menopur tonight. If all goes to plan, my egg retrieval will be on the 9th August! Ive heard the menopur burns when injection, is this true? I can't do it slowly as it goes in the pen so there's no way to avoid this is there?
I have a few things coming up in the evening for the next few weeks which means i will have to take my meds out with me and nip to the loo or car to do them which might be awkward, anyone else done this?
Is it possible to make up the injection before hand and take it when the time comes or do i need to make it up from scratch when out? Im thinking of just cancelling the meet ups as sounds like to much effort at the moe.
How do you manage?
Thanks! xx