Hi everyone!
This is my first ever foray posting in these sites but they've been my saviour and my curse during prior IVF rounds. For many reasons we have chosen to go down the donor embryo route this time.
We had the FET on 19th July after the one planned for the 18th was cancelled because the embryo quality was poor. We ended up having 2 excellent quality expanded blasts put in. For the first time ever I felt discomfort during the transfer...is this a good sign?
So anyway, I've had less 'symptoms' this time around (other than bowel/gas issues the progesterone seems to cause!) or maybe it's that I'm obsessing less? I dunno...
But I've also had WAY MORE rest than ever before. It's amazing how tired you get doing nothing much!
My hubby went and bought a pg test today...our official test dates are 2nd & 4th August but we're considering a home test maybe on Saturday- that'll be 10dpt. Has anyone else tested day 10?
I am so desperate for this to work as I'm sure many (all!) of you will understand and be in the same place. I'm not sure what I'm feeling but this is likely to be our last ever attempt and I'm not sure I'm ready to face a negative pg test ever!!!
Good luck to anyone in their journey who may be reading this 😘