Down Reg Not Worked: As suspected I've... - Fertility Network UK

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Down Reg Not Worked

24 Replies

As suspected I've not down regged, they said lining is too thick and there is a follicle on the left they suspect is ovulation... long and short of it is 2-4 week delay depending on whether it's an egg or a possible cyst and I have to down reg for longer... which given my motivation for pumping myself full of chemicals and sticking needles in is already low the only thing keeping me going was knowing this process was almost over! And now it's not!

I've spoken to the nurses about just walking away from IVF totally and they said I can and right now it's a very real option I'm literally all out of patience.

I feel a little like I'm being held to ransom with the constant feeling of but what if it just happens, what if I regret not doing IVF while I have the chance in the future etc.

In short I just want to wake up in the morning and my day not feature fertility or IVF or babies and go back to being who I was before I came off the pill 2.5 years ago and get back to focussing on enjoying my life again!

All this is not a fun way to start a family! Making a baby should be the time of your life with your partner not appointments and needles and drugs and more appointments and needles and drugs!

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24 Replies
Hope_4_2017x profile image

Aww no :( so sorry to hear this. The whole process is so so frustrating 😔 mine ended up getting put back over a week as well because my lining was too thick and hormone levels not right. Unfortunately i guess everyone reacts differently to the drugs which cant be predicted. Stay strong, talk it through with your partner before making a decision, what does he think xxx

in reply to Hope_4_2017x

He says same as me to knock it all on the head and get our lives back duly accepting this will mean it's a no to kids - if I knock this on the head it's all over I'll go back on contraceptives because I don't want any more what's ifs - out consultant told us post op that we have 80% chance of a natural pregnancy as I have a restricted left tube and a dominant left ovary so there is still a good chance on the right - but that's what we have hoped for up til now with no luck so for me if I'm out I'm out as in I'm not TTC at all it's a closed door because I can't live month to month still with the what ifs and maybes.

in reply to

In this IVF process so far all the scans show it's always the left ovary producing eggs and that's the side the tube is buggared on so I honestly think that combo is what's affecting us naturally and so it will never happen. But keeping on with IVF is just something well I never wanted to do in the first place as it's too invasive but felt if I don't try I might regret it later on

Hope_4_2017x profile image
Hope_4_2017x in reply to

If he's on board and you feel you can draw a line then you need to do what is best for you both. Good luck on deciding, still here if you want to chat/rant xx

in reply to Hope_4_2017x

And I'm so demotivated about IVF anyway because I almost 100% believe that it won't work anyway! The odds at my age are that low it's such an invasive process for such low success rates I'm literally going through the motions of it with zero belief in it working if I'm honest so I don't even have the motivation of having a baby at the end of it cause I don't expect that to be true

London7 profile image

I don't have any advice but just wanted to say that I know the feeling. I really miss my pre-IF life (the days when I had a life!!). This process is so so hard. Only you can make a decision (with your partner) as to what you want to do. Is age an issue? Do you have some good fertility years left up your sleeve so you could come back to this if you wanted to or is it really a case of needing to decide now? Good luck whatever you decide. X

in reply to London7

I'm 38 hubby 43 personally I feel I have a couple more years but hubby doesn't want to be an "old" dad and really stats wise I don't have a couple more years lol

Cinderella5 profile image

Hey Rach, this happened to me on my first cycle and agree it can be very frustrating! The nurse even commented that my linin was lovely and thick with a triple line which is perfect for embryo transfer.....typical the opposite of what it was meant to be!! My clinic kept me on down regulation for a bit longer but instead of the nasal spray they put me onto buserelin injections, perhaps you could ask about this? I didnt bleed anymore but this did the trick. This is a tiring process very much out of our control and I think the hardest thing is when things dont go to plan and we feel really helpless! Hang on in there, Im sure you'll get there!xx

London7 profile image
London7 in reply to Cinderella5

Further to Cinderella's post - I was on buseralin injections (that was all my NHS clinic offered) not the spray. And before this I was a complete needle-phobe. But honestly they were a breeze - the needle is so small and thin. So if that would help don't be put off by the fact it would mean self-injecting (as I saw you mentioned you hate needles). X

in reply to London7

They said I may have to do a pregnyl injection later to make this follicle ovulate in effect and I was ok drawing up all the stuff but when I held the thing and tried to inject the fake skin pad thingy my hand just went tingly and light and I couldn't grip it and that was piercing plastic lol

in reply to

My head was just saying oh hell no to piecing skin with a needle (that's the crux of my phobia that "pop" of the skin 🤢)

London7 profile image
London7 in reply to

I found that with my (real) skin I didn't even have to push the needle in - it was so fine that as soon as I touched my tummy with it it slid right in without me even feeling it. I was so scared beforehand. I'm really bad with needles, but you do get over that bit. Or at least I did and if i can do it I think anyone can.

in reply to Cinderella5

I'd be reluctant to take on more injections I guess this is the issue with the spray it's less effective!

Hope_4_2017x profile image
Hope_4_2017x in reply to

My clinic gave me an auto inject pen, so i couldn't even tell it was a needle. You might be able to get one of those too xx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to

Honeslty the injection of the down regs wasnt too bad and you dont feel a pop of skin at all. If you look at the needles they kind of have a slanted edge and are really sharp and so fine that they slide in like butter! How about yourhubby doing the first one for you? Im suggesting that but my other half was too scared!xx

in reply to Cinderella5

Yeah I will have to get him to do it I won't be able to x

in reply to Cinderella5

Hubby did an injection for me tonight I had to have a Pregnyl and then carry on with the spray and he did a cracking job!! I did use numbing cream too though hahaha

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to

Oh that's great news!! Well done!! If you're struggling then an ice cube does a pretty good job of numbing the area too!! Yeyyyy for your fabby husband!!xx

in reply to Cinderella5

I did bat him away once and threw a fit and he sorted that out too lol

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to

Ha ha ha your poor hubby!😂Reckon you got a good one there!! Give him a high five from me!!🤚xx

Kloulou83 profile image

Hi there

I had exactly the same. My first cycle my lining was thick (about 6mm) at down reg scan but luckily my hormones were low so they let me carry on. This was on the nasal spray. Unfortunately that went on to be a failed cycle.

We tried again in February on the spray and again my lining was thick (about 6mm again!) and this time my hormones were high. They kept me on the spray for another week but my lining got thicker and I developed a follicle for ovulation and then it created a cyst. I had to go in for cyst aspiration under general anaesthetic and then continued to down regulate. On my next appointment the cyst/follicle had re-filled and my lining was even thicker!!! Needless to say that cycle was cancelled after 6 weeks of nasal spray!!

I have just done my first cycle with Buserelin injections and went for my scan yesterday. My lining is still thick (7mm!!) but thankfully my hormones are low so they are letting me move on to the next step. If they had said my hormones were high and to continue down regulating I would of been distraught. I would be certain it would end up the same with a cyst and a cancelled cycle and I would of felt exactly like you. Since February I have really had to think if this is worth it and would adoption just be a less stressful option. However, I do feel more positive now and hopefully you will figure out what is best for you.

I can also add that the injections really aren't that bad and it saves the worry of did it all go in? I also found I got headaches from the nasal spray where it was blocking my sinuses slightly. I haven't had this at all with the injections.

Good luck whatever you decide but remember to look after yourself ❤️

in reply to Kloulou83

Did you not down reg because of the spray then?

I can see knowing my luck this is going to be a nightmare for me I was hoping to at least be spared a dramatic cycle!

Kloulou83 profile image
Kloulou83 in reply to

They told me to go on the injection this time as they had suspected it was the spray last time. I down regulated fine on it first time but just not second time.

However I still have a thick lining this time, so obviously my lining just doesn't thin! I have always had short periods though.

in reply to Kloulou83

Yeah my periods tend to be 6/7 days but light oh well time will tell hey but I'm running out of will and patience for this now

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