Has anyone else had breast lumps when taking IVF medication? I remember I had a large lump with my first or second round but I think it eventually just went down on its own.
This time during a frozen cycle I got three or four quite large lumps which, despite being off the drugs now for three weeks (another failed cycle) I still have one very large lump on the left which has now become incredibly painful .
I just wondered if anyone else has suffered with this due to the hormone drugs?
I've had breast cysts before which I had checked out and had to have them drained but I don't remember them being this painful so not sure whether it's due to the drugs (would they still be in my system?) and to wait to see if it goes down on it's own or whether to get it seen to. It seems a bit of a coincidence they came up when I went on the medication (I think they started when I went on the Estradiol tablets)
Thanks x