Breast lumps and IVF drugs: Has anyone... - Fertility Network UK

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Breast lumps and IVF drugs

Cazo profile image
20 Replies

Has anyone else had breast lumps when taking IVF medication? I remember I had a large lump with my first or second round but I think it eventually just went down on its own.

This time during a frozen cycle I got three or four quite large lumps which, despite being off the drugs now for three weeks (another failed cycle) I still have one very large lump on the left which has now become incredibly painful .

I just wondered if anyone else has suffered with this due to the hormone drugs?

I've had breast cysts before which I had checked out and had to have them drained but I don't remember them being this painful so not sure whether it's due to the drugs (would they still be in my system?) and to wait to see if it goes down on it's own or whether to get it seen to. It seems a bit of a coincidence they came up when I went on the medication (I think they started when I went on the Estradiol tablets)

Thanks x

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Cazo profile image
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20 Replies
Hannah143 profile image

I can't say that I have, no, so I have no advice to share I'm afraid. I would get this checked over with your GP or consultant to put your mind at rest and see what can be done.

I'm so sorry you've had another bFN, it such a cruel process, I hope you find the strength to look forward xxx

Cazo profile image
Cazo in reply to Hannah143

Thank you. Yes it's very heartbreaking and I don't know if I can go through it all again both physically and emotionally, let alone the financial burden. I'm looking into having further investigations as to why it has never worked (3 failed rounds of IVF despite good quality embryos plus a natural pregnancy where I miscarried at 12 weeks).

All I have to show for this latest round is lumpy breasts! 😒 X

Mantaray75 profile image

I had breast lumps which were picked up on my annual mammogram (my mum died of breast cancer young so I'm routinely screened). I had a biopsy and they turned out to be nothing but I'm sure it happened because of all the IVF drugs I was on. Its most likely to be hormonal changes but if you're worried then get them checked. x

Sez73 profile image

Yes I had them, the doctor said they were fibroadenomas - mini benign rumours?- nothing to worry about as they weren't malignant but scary. Only noticed them appear when I started IVF, some went down a bit but the larger one is still quite a hard lump and painful to the touch. Have been assured by GP they are nothing to be concerned about. Had a biopsy on largest lump. Everything flared up when I was doing IVF & it was like petrol to a fire for my endometriosis. After 5 cycles would never do it again, totally screwed up my whole system! x

Cazo profile image
Cazo in reply to Sez73

Thank you for your response. That's interesting you say you have endometriosis too. I have stage 4 endo and always wondered ifhaving breast cysts was linked but apparently not. I suppose it could jusy be linked in the way of a hormone imbalance? I also suffer with dreadful hormonal migraines so I'm sure there's definitely something a bit haywire about my system!

I also feel completely exhausted and run-down at the moment. Maybe just having gone through more IVF and more upset my body is probably just protesting! Feel lime I could easily sleep for a week right now!

Sez73 profile image
Sez73 in reply to Cazo

Yes, I have stage IV, & a very aggressive form. In my humble opinion I think it's all interlinked. Endo is a very oestrogen dominant condition. Fibroadenomas, although the exact cause of them isn't fully known, could be triggered by a rise in oestrogen, hormones can play a big part in the growth and development of these tumours, albeit benign, this growth can be more obvious particularly during pregnancy and they're often seen to shrink in menopause when oestrogen levels obviously fall, so I do believe there must be a link with them and oestrogen.

I was told there isn't a higher risk of breast cancer having them, however, you should keep being breast aware, as people with them can have denser breast tissue which can carry a higher risk of some cancers. I do believe the biggest culprit for fibroadenomas is hormones though and sudden hormone changes too.

I too get very bad hormone related migraines. Completely understandable you feel so exhausted esp. after IVF. Don't underestimate the impact of the stimulation drugs, especially when you have severe endometriosis. I had years of horrid chronic fatigue which I finally linked to endo after it was left un-diagnosed for over 15 years thanks to countless incompetent GPs! End can cause a lot of fatigue without throwing IVF into the mix which is just such an evil concoction of hormones. Be kind to yourself - I took about 6 months to feel the drugs were totally out my system, mentally and physically. All the best xx

Cazo profile image
Cazo in reply to Sez73

That makes so much sense. The doctors never like to say any of it is linked but I'm sure it must be as son many people seem to suffer from all the same things.

You're right, I always forget how much the IVF takes out of you. Also his time I pretty much got on with everything as normal as I didn't want to tell work as was going through yet another cycle so that made things more difficult, especially as I have a very physical job. Being a fitness instructor/personal trainer while going through IVF is one of the worst combinations! Having to stand up and be enthusiastic and motivate everyone when you feel like crap takes some doing! So I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that I feel so exhausted still. When my endo was really bad last year (before I had my surgery in October) I also felt like this. I'd be almost in tears by the time I got home from work as I was so tired and in so much pain. It's a horrible disease.

Good luck with everything x

Holiday-princess profile image
Holiday-princess in reply to Sez73

Hi, I know this post is old but it is the only thing I have came across similar to myself. I m currently going through IVF and on day 5 of stimming I noticed a lump on my right breast.

I went to see my GP and they have referred me to get it checked ... I can’t help but think it is to do with the meds’ I am on but better to be safe than sorry. Did you go ahead with IVF and did they put the eggs back on the same round. I just called my IVF nurse and she said they would go ahead with egg collection but I may have to freeze this time round until I know what is going on with the lump.

Thanks :)

Cazo profile image
Cazo in reply to Holiday-princess


I had them checked but thankfully they were just cysts. I think they just left those ones and they went down on their own. I had a couple of lumps previously that were checked and they syringed out the fluid.

The doctors seem to play down the link but I’m sure they were to do with the hormones. I also have quite severe endometriosis which I also think doesn't help.

I can’t exactly remember but I’m pretty sure they went ahead with the IVF as normal.

Good luck with it! I really feel for anyone going through IVF, I had three rounds and it’s a tough process, you’ve got to be a strong person! xx

Holiday-princess profile image
Holiday-princess in reply to Cazo

Thank you so much for responding. I will find out more tomorrow when I go for my next scan... I am sure they will chat me through what I need to do. Fingers crossed.

It’s def not easy although I am coping not to bad even with this thrown into

The mix... I suppose you just have to try and stay positive. I’m sure by the time the second and third comes along it is so much tougher because you know what lies ahead. Xo

Britt86 profile image
Britt86 in reply to Holiday-princess

Hey, I know you wrote this a year ago but I’m in pretty much the same position. I did IVF in October , they froze my embryos because I was at risk of OHSS. I’m finally going to be doing my embryo transfer this week but I feel a lump in my breast and it’s making me nervous. I told the fertility clinic and they are going to have my doctor examine it. I was just wondering how things turned out for you? I’m trying to stay positive but I’m scared...

Holiday-princess profile image
Holiday-princess in reply to Britt86

Hey, I haven’t been on this since last year... so glad i get emails to see that you’ve messaged me. Thankfully when I went to get it checked it was only a ‘simple cyst’ ... I actually went private to get it checked so I didn’t have to wait on results for NHS and have my IVF delayed...

When I went private they confirmed it was a simple cyst but I kept my nhs appointment so they could drain it...(cos that was gonna cost a lot of money privately) when the NhS drained it I didn’t even feel it!! And it was over in 2 minutes! I was able to see it on the scan...

so thankfully I got to go ahead with my IVF and have a 3 month old little girl now 🥰! So stay positive!

I just thought it was such a coincidence that I got a lump during treatment ... I got myself worked up initially but after I thought about it I was staying positive that it was to do with the treatment.

So good luck with everything xox

Britt86 profile image
Britt86 in reply to Holiday-princess

Thank you so much for your response, this makes me feel a bit better. Also congrats on having a baby girl, I hope I’m as lucky! 😊❤️

Holiday-princess profile image
Holiday-princess in reply to Britt86

So do I! I wish you all the luck 🥰

Hiramunir78 profile image
Hiramunir78 in reply to Britt86

Hi... i am facing the same problem. as i was expected to start my stims for embryo transfer but the same day i notice large lump on my left breast... Dr give me date for embryo transfer next month but this lump ruined everything. now i am on antibiotic. it gets small but now i touch it and feel its now a round shaped lump. dr diagnosed it and said it's a breast abscess... but i am not pretty sure because i don't have kids and i am not lactating... what precations you follow? and how long this lump took to cure? after how many days you went for a transfer? please answer me i am crying.

Britt86 profile image
Britt86 in reply to Hiramunir78

Hey, mine was diagnosed as a breast cyst and I was cleared, it’s still there though, I’m not sure if/when it will go away. I don’t take anything for it, I was told women around my age get them(I’m 35). I was able to schedule my transfer for my following cycle which ended up being March 7th, I just found out on Friday that it didn’t take unfortunately. If they’ve checked your lump and determined it isn’t anything to worry about then hopefully you can start your stims ASAP! I’m so sorry you’re going through this, I know it can be scary and frustrating to wait more but I’m really happy I waited until I knew, otherwise I would have been so stressed about it! Good luck! ❤️❤️❤️

Hiramunir78 profile image
Hiramunir78 in reply to Britt86

i got lump in left breast and pain is spreading towards left arm... it feels like i can't do heavy job with my left arm. .

Please get them checked for your own peace of mind. From what others have said, it seems unlikely to be a problem but let the dr tell you that!

Cazo profile image
Cazo in reply to Lizzielizzielizzie

Thank you. I called the Drs this morning and after speaking with a Dr to explain they have given me an appointment this afternoon.

I'm not too worried as the fact it is so painful is a good sign it's not the 'big C' Still annoying though as it's so uncomfortable.

Yet another lovely side-effect to IVF!

veekay1023 profile image

hi! did you get an answer re your breast lump? I am on day 7 of stims and my left breast suddenly has a bump / lump and discomfort. i hope everything went ok for you. look forward to a reply!

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