Anyone's IVF clinic does a scan for you before CD21 to ensure the timing is acceptable to start your down-reg drugs on long protocol? I was told by my clinic to put away all my tests (LH surge test strips & BBT thermometer) and just start down-reg drugs on CD21, which will be the beginning of August.
But I am struggling to accept that I will definitely ovulate on time this month, cos I just had 2 unusual cycles (probably due to stress), current cycle was 14 days late, which never happened before...
AF finally arrived a few days ago, but I am traumatized by the delay, lost faith on my normal ovulation timing which was always quite on time until this cycle...
I know the idea of IVF is it doesn't matter too much if ovulation definitely happened before down-reg, but I'd like it to, just to minimise stress and unnecessary extension of down-reg or further treatments for a delayed AF...
But my clinic doesn't seem to think this is important cos they would rather fix it later. Not sure if I should insist on getting a scan or testing the ovulation like I always do at home??
Thank you so much for reading and thanks in advance if you're able to share. Xx