I know that this may seem like an odd post but I'm just so touched by my dads support and advice. I emailed my dad this morning through tears for the first time explaining my diagnosis and what I've been through and when you tell most people they try and be helpful but don't really know what your talking about but my dad rang me and asked what my amh and fsh was and agreed that my fsh was quite high and we talked about my failed cycle and follicle count and he asked what ivf protocol I'd been on and he was explaining that there are lots of different types of protocol and each cycle is different. He's not a doctor but I was just really touched by the amount of research that he had done and he's made me feel so much better and calmer about things. My very lucky and grateful to have such supportive people help me on my journey . Xxx
I'm so lucky to have supportive parents - Fertility Network UK
I'm so lucky to have supportive parents
Lovely! x
Awww bless your dad. I am so surprised at my dads support too..not that he is ever unsupportive but he is a man of a certain generation and he has researched and asked lots of questions and has been extremely supportive to my husbandad who's own father has said nothing. Let's hear it for the dad's and if nothing else this shitty process brings out the best is some xx
I felt exactly the same vic was really touched xx
Awwww how lovely ❤️
Really lovely and touching ❤️
What a wonderful man xxx
Have absolutely loved reading this tonight, oh so I would have loved this past few years to lift the phone and talk to my dad about my infertility, he passed 4 years ago, your dads response is how my dad would have reacted, he would have been on that phone to every clinic, researching them all, making me appointments, was so lovely to read this, all the very best of luck, keep believing ❤🌈💋
I'm sure your dad is looking down on you with love and support and I do hope that you have your own rock for support. I can see that your very close to starting treatment so wishing you the very best I'm sure your dad would of been very proud with the strength and determination you have to see this through 🤗xxx

I have a few rocks my main one hubby, yip I no he is watching over me, nearly two weeks of tablets complete, on a 5 day break stating Saturday then injections start next week, We all got this all the very best ❤🌈💋
That is so lovely. Thanks for sharing. How wonderful he made all that effort and being so supportive xx
What a lovely post nmill. Its made me cry.
My dad surprised me with the interest and ease of talking about my infertility.
He was so desperate for me to reach my dreams and constantly asked me how i was doing and where I was at.
Sadly he passed away suddenly 4 weeks before I started my first round of IVF. 4 rounds later im still not a mum but im determined not just for me and hubs but for my dad too.
Hold him close and lap up his support, wishing you the best of luck with everything 😘❤ xx
Thank you lmb and im so sorry for the sudden loss it must if been very hard to process alongside ivf. Hang onto your dream miracles do happen as is evidence from the stories we read on here everyday, wishing you all the best my dear xxx
Ah that's so sweet, my dad is not acknowledging that we r doing ivf so I think it's wonderful that your dad went to so much effort! What a star xxx
Thanks 72cloud I think it's such a hard topic for some people to get there head around and I know that my dad's generation and his parents would never have had this amount of medical intervention and help that we receive now so I guess it can be hard for others to understand and process all of this. I'm sorry your dad hasn't acknowledge your situation I hope that you have others who you can support you and hopefully in time things will get better with your dad xxx

Thanks Hun x
Ahhh this is lovely! What a great dad, this would have made me cry! My dad has been great which surprised me as he's a bit old school but definitely not to this extent!!xx