Follow up appointment with nhs not g... - Fertility Network UK

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Follow up appointment with nhs not great wondering what to do next.

8 Replies

I've been away for a few weeks as been trying to clear my head of everything ivf related after my abandoned cycle a month ago due to poor response. Saw the consultant today and he was off the mind that ivf isn't a hopeful outcome for me due to poor response on short protocol fsh 16 and amh 6.4 (results from a yr ago). he is checking with the other consulants to see if there is a common consensus or if they are willing to try simulation again his vote was a no he made that clear.

It's funny (not really) how quickly everything ivf related can bring you down, feeling so low and upset right now just feel like I can't stop crying and I hate how this just breaks you. As I left the hospital tears strimming down my face all i could see was pregnant women ready to pop and brand new babies and I just felt so angry about my situation

The consultant was of the mind that doner egg or adoption would be options to consider its just so hard to know where to start with it all. I'm quite open to egg doner and think if we go private this would be my preferred option as there would be a higher success rate and we would only be able to fund one cycle but I haven't really broached the subject with my partner yet and kinda scared in case we are on different pages. I know this may sound strange to some people but I think my partner finds it difficult to talk about other options and I just feel I don't have the energy to bring any of this up.

Anyway that's my rant over, I know I can come on here and many of you will understand and be able to relate to how I'm feeling.

I hope you guys are all well at whatever stage in treatment your at xxx

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8 Replies

Hey nmill,

Sorry to hear your appointment today did not have better news for you.

It's not completely over yet and I think after only 1 round it seems a bit harsh to not try again.

Your any is not as low as a lot of woman who have had more than 1 cycle and been successful.

If they decide no you could always take a second opinion from a Private Clinic.

It's just so unfair as you say and hard to accept as no real reason in a lot of cases.

I am having DE treatment and whilst I can speak to my hubby about anything I was scared to say what I wanted incase it was not what be wanted. It might be your hubby does not say much because he is a bit lost. I think a lot of guys feel out their depth.

Have the chat as I am sure you will both be on the page once you have spoke about it.

Hope your Ok xx

in reply to

Thank you LBM1979 I know its not necessarily game over it just felt like a big blow. I've had a couple of really good weeks keeping busy and being happy and today I just needed a good cry, god only knows how my face will look tomorrow at work (puffy tired cry face 😢haha) I think you've nailed it on the head when you say feeling out of depth because we have to negative our way through and hope that we are making the right decisions and I know that my partner just wants to make things better and isn't able to do so. I think right now I need to give myself some perspective and look at the things I'm greatful for as it's can be so self consuming at times. Thanks for your message and wishing you all the very best for you and your partner xxx

Sunshine09 profile image

It's always a real blow when consultants say things we don't wanna here, I remember well the day they told me my eggs were basically old and rotten😂😂 I can laff about it now, but at the time I cried a full day and night, I had a very low Amh level and went for a short flare protocol, & they managed to get an egg,🙌 Although it didn't fertilise properly,it was mature, and I had hope, still believe this year I am going to defo do it, get a second opinion xx and most important believe 🌈❤ my sister told me a few weeks ago, you gotta roll with the punches 🤛 But just make sure you get the boxing gloves back on 🥊 And get ready for round 2 , good luck xx

DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK

Hi nmill. Obviously not what you want to hear, but maybe your consultant might consider doing a short protocol, so as to not switch your ovaries off too much?? At least it would give you another try using your own eggs before having to make alternative decisions. Good luck with it all. Diane

in reply to DianeArnold

Hi Diane I was on a short protocol on 450 menopur for the last cycle and only grew one follicle my fsh was 16 about a year ago which the consultant said was sky high and adding more hasn't helped. I'm not really sure what to do next and i know I don't have a lot of time if I want to use my own eggs but I also need to ensure my partner is on the same page and I don't know that he is right now Xx

DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK

Hi nmill. I was just wondering about a "mild" IVF, a bit like a short protocol where you don't "switch off" your ovaries and gently stimulate them to produce a few eggs that "want" to come out, rather than being forced out. Only 2 to 3 collected if all goes well, but was just a thought before resorting to using donor eggs. Diane

in reply to DianeArnold

Thanks for the advise Diane I really appreciate it, Im just feeling a bit frustrated at the moment but I guess that's to be expected. really helps to have everyone support on here think I would have lost it a long time ago if this forum wasn't available it means a lot xx

DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK in reply to

Hi nmill. Thinking of you. Diane x

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