I developed OHSS due to gonal f for ovulation induction, cycle was cancelled yesterday because of this and today I'm in agone. Hurts to move, urinate, eat. All I want to do is sleep put in that much pain it's impossible. Not sure what to do about it or when to gour seek medical attention?
OHSS: I developed OHSS due to gonal f... - Fertility Network UK

I hope the pain settles down n ur ovaries. This happenes to.many woman why do dr not do something advance to prevent this. I would defi seek dr advice may be they can give you some thinh to settle down the ovary.xx
I was just thinking the same thing! Seen that its common especially with ovulation induction and IVF. cant even sit up straight now! driving my bonkers!! and people say fertility treatment isn't that bad!!
Ivf is defo not easy. Seems ur in to much pain plz do seek mesical attention asap. Wish u well.xxx
I cant even imagine how difficult it is just yet, ovulation induction is bad enough! been referred for laprascopy - ovarian drilling though now to try and help me respond better. Constantly a waiting game! I'm just waiting for a call back from the gynaecology department who I'm meant to ring if the clinic is closed. thank you x

Hi bms12. So sorry to hear this, as it ii not nice at all. All you can do is to drink plenty of water, up to 3 litres a day, and take some paracetamol. Rest when you can. Keep an eye on your urine output, and if it goes down a lot then you need to go to A & E - likewise if you become breathless. Hopefully it will settle down on its own, but just be aware of these other symptoms. Hope you soon feel better. Thinking of you. Diane
oh you poor thing - sorry to hear you're in so much pain - IVF really is one bloody hurdle after the next.
i was told at protocol i was at high risk of OHSS. my ovaries went crazy during stims - just before collection i had 24 follicles on my right ovary alone! when dr mentioned freezing / cancelling cycle i went into overdrive with hydration & was drinking constantly, including peppermint tea & 2 litres of coconut water every day. i managed to avoid OHSS so really recommend coconut water - its full of potassium & low in sugar.
i hope you turn a corner soon, thinking of you & sending lots of positive vibes your way ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
I'm worried about ohss so I think I will take your advice about coconut water very seriously!! I'm drinking about 3 litres of water daily but it's getting very dull!
i read on some american forums to not just drink water - a lot mentioned sports drinks, they but i'm not sure how much that matters?
Yes I read similar. That energy drinks such as Lucozade sport is good as it has electrolytes in it and also flat coke and cranberry juice. Definitely not getting any better though yet. It has got worse in the last 3 hours or so. Now have numbness in my legs as well as shooting pains in my thighs! driving me bonkers!!