Hi all,
As there's been some discussion on the forum about whether you should use a hot water bottle to help with follies and eggs (including a question from me!), I thought I'd better update in case it's helpful.
I asked the nurse about it at my tracking scan this morning and she said that they actually don't advise use a hot water bottle at that stage as you want the eggs to be at your normal body temperature, a hot water bottle should only be applied to the back if needed and wrapped in a towel.
I'm sure that people say different things but thought I'd better post in case it's helpful to someone!
On a mini update from me, I'm on day 6 of Gonal F (fsh stim) and day 2 of cetrotide (gnrh antagonist) and follies look to be doing well. EC should be on Friday or Monday all being well which is slightly sooner than expected. Woop!
Love and best wishes to you all x