OHSS disappointment and hot water bot... - Fertility Network UK

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OHSS disappointment and hot water bottles

ShellyC profile image
13 Replies

Hello ladies, I am new to this forum!

I had my egg collection yesterday and the good news is that they managed to collect 27 eggs, 21 of which have fertilised successfully, which I am obviously over the moon about! Bad news is that I have developed OHSS (hence how they got so many eggs!). Terrible abdo distension and tummy pains at the moment, but not vomiting or anything else. I spoke to the nurse this morning who has said I am likely to not be able to have a fresh transfer, and will probably have to freeze any good quality embryos instead. I am feeling really disappointed, but equally know it is important to do the safest thing. Has anyone else been in this position and had success with subsequent frozen transfer?

Also does anyone know if it is ok to use a hot water bottle with OHSS (after EC, before ET)?

Thanks xx

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ShellyC profile image
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13 Replies
Laura3101 profile image

DianeArnold may be able to help with your ohss questions, I myself haven't had any eggs Frozen as I've just had a fresh egg transfer myself so I can't help with that but from what I have read on here it does happen and people have no problems going forward. It's better to get yourself back to full health than jeopardise any potential pregnancy. My friend has ohss at 8 weeks pregnant with ivf and she ended up in hospital unable to breath and had to have an operation- she said it was tr worst experience of her life so believe in that your doing the best thing xx

ShellyC profile image
ShellyC in reply to Laura3101

Thanks so much Laura. I hope your friend is ok now and good luck for your cycle! X

Laura3101 profile image
Laura3101 in reply to ShellyC

Yep she is all good now and celebrating the birth of that baby when she got the ohss who arrived this month 😊xx

jammyjiah profile image


Wow! That is such good news about your egg collection and 21 fertilised eggs. My prayer is that your transfer leads to a healthy hearty baby in yours arms!

At my egg collection it was 39 eggs. I travelled home from Leeds to Manchester feeling poorly went to local hospital and was admitted with no real diagnosis, I was in loads of abdo pain, whilst in hospital I stopped having the urge to go for a wee. Didn't we for almost two days.

Asked them to discharge me on the Monday as I needed to go Leeds for my egg transfer. I hadn't been sick but in pain however, I had managed to walk into the car for the journey to Leeds. Having arrived at the hospital I wasn't able to even get out of the car by myself. I was helped into a wheelchair, taken toward the department still thinking I was going to have my transfer.

When a Nurse clocked eyes on me in the corridor enroute to where I needed to be. She made eye contact. Even though she hadn't verbalised a question, I saw it in hers eyes and told her "I don't feel well." I heard her answer "I can see that!" I closed my eyes because it was too much effort to do otherwise. She asked those with me where I was headed when they told her it was the IVF dept for egg transfer she took over and rushed me in. It took all my strength to hear them explain that there wouldn't be a transfer and I needed to decide urgently if hubby and I wanted to freeze our fertilised embryos. By this stage I hardly had strength to keep my eyes open and or pay attention due to pain, vomiting and sheer exhaustion. In the midst of being hooked up to machines, having bloods taken surrounded by Doctors and nurses it was concluded the best option was to halt the transfer and go ahead freeze the viable embryos until a later date. I don't remember but hubby said I did sign the relevant paperwork to have our embryos frozen. I fell asleep feeling like my heart was breaking as it was all getting away from me.

I was diagnosed as having suffered a sever form of OHSS and was told later I had literally been minutes from having a heart attack, I was hospitalised and then transferred to St James once I was stabilized. I was given Albumen and had urine drained from inside cavities in my body where it had collected. I wasn't lucid for days. I just remember it as being in a bone wirying exhaustion that had hit my body whilst my heart had beating at a furious pace, like it was going to lurch out of my chest.

I received excellent care and was discharged to home. It was a heartbreaking that the transfer had to be stopped.

As to the OHSS I recovered enough to have my transfer. At the transfer stage one of the less senior doctors lost an embryo and then the Senior Consultant had to transfer the other best grade embryo from our frozen embryos. None of the pain before or after the C-section mattered once I got to hold our beautiful girl who is now ten.

I would urge you to be vigilant and at the first signs of getting worse check in to a hospital. You need to be well before moving onto the next part of your IVF journey for you. Some of the better embryos don't survive the thawing process however, we are a success story our miracle daughter is testament to that.

My best wishes and prayers all goes well for you. XxX

ShellyC profile image
ShellyC in reply to jammyjiah

Thanks Jiah. Sounds like you had a terrible experience. But great to hear there was success in the end and it was all worth it! Xx

Tigerlily01 profile image

Hey, i had the same thing i had 37 eggs collected and wasnt very well, i had all my embryos frozen and i am currently having treatment for my FET which i will be having in 2 weeks time. im glad that i waited and had them frozen as i feel so much better and it is not as harsh on my body which will add to the success rate been much more healthy.

It does seem like a long time to wait but honestly it goes fast and you will be having your FET in no time. it is much better for your body to recover from the EC to be able to provide as much as it can to keep that little embryo safe and help the implantation.

keep drinking plenty of water this helped me alot. Good Luck xxx

ShellyC profile image
ShellyC in reply to Tigerlily01

Thanks Tigerlily. Sorry to hear you have had a similar journey but glad to hear you are feeling much better now and are feeling positive for your FET. Your words are really reassuring to me. Good luck, I have everything crossed for you! Xx

Tigerlily01 profile image
Tigerlily01 in reply to ShellyC

Thank you wishing you luck too xxx

AmylCollins profile image

Sorry to hear your not feeling to well. I am currently suffering with late on set sever ohss. I didn't have any symptoms until 5 days post transfer. I was hospitalised for 4 days over Christmas which wasn't nice and felt very poorly.

I can't really comment on having a frozen transfer but I would say if you are already having symptoms it would be best to hold off as as I found out things get much worse once you get pregnant. Luckily my pregnancy is going well and fluid is finally starting to get better.

If you want a chat feel free to message me for advice or support ohss is not nice.

Also any shortness of breath or chest pain you should go straight to your local hospital a&e.

Have they started you on any blood thinking medication? I was also told to keep a chart fluid input and output.

ShellyC profile image
ShellyC in reply to AmylCollins

Hi Amy, thanks so much for your message and advice. Sorry to hear you have been so unwell, it's been bad enough with just moderate OHSS. Great to hear your pregnancy is going well, and I hope you feel better soon! X

Jellybeenz profile image

Hi Shelly,

I developed OHSS after they collected 25 eggs from me in August. I 'only' had it mildly to moderately and still ended up in hospital a few days later feeling horrific. I was in a lot of pain, struggling to breathe and couldn't really walk as I couldn't stand upright. It lasted around two to three weeks then it was a bit like getting over the 'flu - I was just a bit weak and rubbish for a while.

Having a 'freeze all' was so, so disappointing at the time (there were plenty of tears) but now I'm very glad I did. By the time my ET came around in November I felt really good and was physically and mentally ready. This was my first cycle. Anyway, from that frozen blast (it wasn't even great quality) I am now just over 13 weeks pregnant :) I had my dating scan today so got to say hello to the baby. Everything looks good so far! I still can't believe it.

Hang in there, and I know it's so tempting but don't rush into it - make sure your body is ready. The clinic should be able to guide you. Best of luck! Fingers and toes crossed for you x

ShellyC profile image
ShellyC in reply to Jellybeenz

Hi Jellybeenz! Thanks for your message. Sounds like a really similar situation. Great to hear that your FET was successful, really boosts my confidence in it all! Xx

ShellyC profile image

Hi all. Thanks so much for your messages, it really helped to hear about all your journeys. As an update, I developed severe abdo pain a couple of nights ago so decided to go to A&E and was admitted for the day. The staff were all fantastic, and stronger painkillers and antiemetics helped a lot. A scan confirmed moderate OHSS and they think the acute pain was due to bleeding into the follicles. Luckily no ascites or other complications. Back home now and starting to feel better, but generally drained of energy and uncomfortable.

I have definitely come to terms with not having a fresh transfer, and think it is certainly for the best... I wouldn't want to prolong feeling like this or risk it getting worse! All your comments have made me feel much more positive about this so thank you. It also means I can go on our booked ski trip in March and really enjoy myself before having a frozen transfer when we get back, trying to look at the positives! Just have my fingers crossed now that as many of our embryos as possible make it to blastocyst stage in good condition, I find out on Monday.

Thanks for all your support xxxx

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