Hi Ladies, so found a polyp and can't go ahead with fresh egg transfer so need to do a FET. Was wondering if any of you have had a hysteroscopy?. Doctor has mentioned it is similar to the 3DSIS and that if I was ok with that then no need for general anaesthetic. Any advice would be appreciated
Hysteroscopy: Hi Ladies, so found a... - Fertility Network UK

I had a hysterscopy done last year-they thought I had a polyp/fibroid and I had issues with my cycle they performed a hysterscopy and biopsy.
By the time they done the op nothing was there! I was under general anaesthetic. I don't remember much after falling asleep-best sleep ever! 👏🏻
I was put in a room and once I could eat and pass urine I was free to go! I was there for about an hour.
I did experience some cramping-but nothing that was unbearable-like period pains. I took paracetamol afterwards. I also experienced slight bleeding -I used pads.
I did feel drowsy for a day or two afterwards-this was due to the general anaesthetic. My husband was home and I was glad to have him there doing practical things like walking the dogs and cooking dinner.
I personally don't think I would've managed to have the op without being under. My consultant didn't even suggest it was an option to have it without general anaesthetic. I'm surprised you're being given that choice.
I think if you get a choice I would be put under-it might be quite painful especially as they're removing something.
ultimately it's your decision and I wish you the very best with everything

Thanks Jess1981, appreciate your comment x
I had an abnormal smear back in 2013. I was booked in for a Hysteroscopy and biopsy. I also had a Lletz (part of my cervix removed) at the same time. I can't advise you on the Hysteroscopy by itself because I had the biopsy and Lletz as well. However I was under conscious sedation and awake throughout. It wasn't very nice but it is bearable. Turns out I had pre cancer grade 3. You will cramp afterwards and bleed a little. But it is totally doable! I know because I'm a wimp haha. Good luck 🍀🍀🍀
I had a polyp removed by hysteroscopy just last week. No anaesthetic and it was pain free, just some mild cramping and I didn't even feel the polyp being removed, but watched on the tv screen. They put in a tiny tube with the camera and I barely felt it. I'm usually sensitive to everything. The weirdest thing was they pump saline into you which only has one way to come out and you feel like you're wetting yourself! Hopefully you'll find it as easy as I did. Good luck!
Thanks Mango100, remember the saline solution with the 3D and some slight discomfort .
I had one in 2014 no anaesthetic I found it uncomfortable and if you want some advice get some wind settlers as the trapped wind was a killer after. There was nothing in there, it was all clear. Xx
I had one done 2 years ago. They were trying it first with just ibuprofen/ paracetamol but it was painful and they must have quickly seen the polyp so I ended up having it done under general. That was fine had a few days off to recover from anaesthetic xx
I had one done about 6 weeks ago - I had it under mild sedation so not as out as a general, but basically asleep so didn't feel anything during the procedure. One of my three egg collections had been v painful so we all agreed for me not to be awake. It was a bit sore/tender afterwards but not horrific and I bled basically until my next AF arrived, around 9 days. There were no issues with the polyp and I've now had my FET and got a positive this week 😀
I had one done 3 years ago under anaesthetic and never felt a thing even afterwards nothing major to note - was home within hours. Whilst in the hospital I spoke to a woman who was waiting for the same procedure after her Dr tried it with her awake and she said the pain was so bad they had to stop so there she was waiting for it with the anaesthetic.
Hi there, I just had a polyp removed by hysteroscopy a couple of days ago - totally easy. I was awake, felt almost nothing and got to watch the whole thing on the screen. Hopefully my next FET will be the one now that that polyp is out of the picture!
Good luck! Xx
Do it under general anaesthetic! I had a hysteroscopy as they thought they saw a polyp and needed to take a biopsy. I was fully awake and When I asked about anaesthetic Stupid man doctor doing it told me local anaesthetic would be more painful than the procedure so I didn't need it but HE LIED. It was excruciatingly painful while he was doing the procedure and when I got home despite being dosed up on paracetamol and codeine it would wear off after 2 to 3 hours and I would be literally screaming in pain! Never again am I falling for that c**p! I've also had a LETZ procedure like the lady above on a separate occasion but that was far less painful than this.