I was so hopeful before going into IVF. But it soon became apparent that I only had one follicle growing. An egg was collected which did fertilise so we had a 2 day embryo transfer, which we were thankful for. Although I knew it was going to be a miracle if it worked - am just feeling numb right now that it failed. Because we did plan on having 3 rounds of ivf - if they only ever get one egg each time - our chances will be so low. It is so painful facing up to the fact that there is a possibility that it won't work at all for us.
I'm also angry at the coeliac disease that has so severely affected my body over the years and now this. Should I just try and remain as positive as possible until we know more? on top of everything we are moving house in 2 weeks time and also feeling like how hard it will be to meet new people and make new friends when feeling like this? thank you for listening