Hi ladies it's been a long time since I post but now I'm feeling pretty confident that my time it's coming. After two surgeries and a couple of months to think about everything I finally step up and booked my firt appointment to be a egg sharer, I confess I was afraid of the results because I've been reading so many stories here that I went already having negative thoughts.
On my first consultation I had to the some blood tests and a scan and a week later my boyfriend had to do a sperm test and that's when we would know if I was a good candidate to egg sharing. So this week we went back and as soon we came in the the doctors office my heart start pounding so fast just to hear the good news they wanted my amh leves to be above 7 and they were 18 so I was relieved and the hubby got the π as well so we went straight to the counselor and after that we went to speak to the infertility nurse who explained every step that we are going to take, gave us the consent forms and I was send for more blood tests. Now we just have to wait for the results because one test will take up to five weeks. For me it seems all surreal but I'm so happy, hopefully they think we can start in December so it's a early Christmas present already.. Now just praying for a match as soon as possible so I can have my baby and help someone achieve their dream