Progesterone blood test confirmed ovu... - Fertility Network UK

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Progesterone blood test confirmed ovulation! I want to warn others of the damage using ovulation sticks can do.

23 Replies

Hi ladies how's everyone doing? All good I hope (considering).

I felt obliged to warn others of the emotional damage and affect of using ovulation sticks can do, to help others not go through what I have just been through. I'd hate that.

I used clearblue dual hormone ovulation tests three days after taking my last clomid pill. ( I'm pco on 100mg between days 2-6).

I did not see a positive test - all I saw was "flashy smiley faces" no solid face. Too late I changed sticks and began testing like a women possessed!

I was utterly devastated by not seeing an LH surge and was convinced the clomid had not worked. I was even close to giving up and believed the clomid would never work.

I thank the kind support of this forum that made me eventually see sense. In particular keekee21, loopylou2015, Hollibob, Gibbs88, NDE1987, Romaluna2015. If I missed anyone out- I'm most sorry. You all kept me going massive thank you's.

I haven't had much support from my clinic over it. I gave up with trying ( just not worth my upset- I've got what I want - a real chance to have a baby)

I paid for a private blood test ( cost £38 for blood test plus £50 as I wasn't a patient there). I had the test done today in the morning. The only good thing about private blood tests is you get the results back that day. My progesterone has confirmed ovulation took place this month. My levels are 61.7 nmol and before clomid it was 30.8 nmol. I can see for myself the clomid has worked. Whether it brings me a baby this month is another thing. But at least I know the clomid is working and one of these months we may strike it lucky 🙌🏻

I will do away with the sticks and just try every other day.

The motto here is trust the medication , trust your medic, and have faith it will one day come right.

It's not an easy journey but the things worth having in life never are.

I wish everyone great success love to you all 💕

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23 Replies
katya38 profile image

We gave up on ovulation sticks on advice from the hospital. They were causing far too much stress x

in reply to katya38

Sound advice your clinic gave you - wish mine had! Not only add stress - but not reliable as my progesterone blood test indicates. X

pm27 profile image

I'm glad the test showed the Clomid worked. Shame you haven't felt supported by your clinic. It isn't right that you've had to pay out for a blood test but it was worth it. Probably a good idea to ditch the sticks especially as you know they aren't accurate.

Fingers crossed the Clomid does the job.

in reply to pm27

Thank you pm27.

Lesson well learned!

Hope you're ok x

Mantaray75 profile image

I could never seem to get them to show ovulation and yet blood tests always revealed that everything was fine. My periods have also always been regular to the day too. I gave up on the sticks a long time ago. x

in reply to Mantaray75

They cause so much unnecessary stress- when you're already stressed enough - these companies are so immoral- they prey on people being desperate.Hope you're ok and wish you good luck with everything X

Mantaray75 profile image
Mantaray75 in reply to

I'm doing ok thanks. Would have been 10 weeks yesterday but trying not to think of each milestone. Just waiting for period so I can get back on the rollercoaster again but HCG is still 25 so still needs to drop further. x

in reply to Mantaray75

Urgh I'm sorry - I can't even begin to imagine your pain.

Try if you you can enjoy the time off - allow yourselves treats you wouldn't when going through treatment.

All the best with your next cycle thinking of you X

Mantaray75 profile image
Mantaray75 in reply to

Don't worry - I'm back on the gin!

Dee22 profile image

I never had success with ovulation sticks either. I'm glad your tests were ok. Good luck with everything xx

in reply to Dee22

Thanks dee22 - I think these companies just are immoral - just preying on desperate people- nobody when they first start ttc will use sticks! Therefore the companies know their market- even with use of the sticks isn't going to resolve any fertility issue that the couple maybe having- that's why it's so wrong. Stop ranting now 😂

How are you? I hope everything is going well for you X

Dee22 profile image
Dee22 in reply to

I'm good thanks. 2nd cycle worked when I finally found a way to relax. I'm sure it helped. I hope clomid works for you. Try and find nice things to do. Best of luck xx

in reply to Dee22

Wonderful news- oh Dee22 I'm so happy for you. Wishing you the very best with your bundle of joy 😍

Thank you for the supportive words very touched X

Wooohoooo fantastic news! Hope it's put your mind at rest a bit now Hun! Get those sticks in the bin!

Just relax and enjoy yourselves knowing it's working!

Not sure if it had anything to do with my BFP but the month I got it was the month I got into reading loads of books! I also still had a cheeky tipple of alcohol when I knew it hadn't worked!

Keep us posted! Xxx

Ps- don't get obsessed with feeling of symptoms either as I didn't feel any different! Xxx

in reply to

Thanks gibbs88 - it made a huge difference to me when others going through supported me.

As for the sticks - I ran out haha! Will not be replacing any!

My consultant wrote to me- told me I if I'm trying between days 10 to 22 then I don't need to use ovulation predictor and recommended me buying a nice bottle of wine! The man makes a good point!! 🍸😃 X

in reply to

Well if it's doctors orders then who are you to say no to the wine hahaha

Enjoy your weekend X

in reply to

Haha my thoughts exactly!! 🍸✔️😈

And you have a nice weekend too X

Hopeful1982 profile image

Hi Jess1981, I hope you're well! I used those ovulation sticks for a while and I think they just added to the stress of the should thing! I think binning the sticks is a good plan! Wishing you the best of luck with the clomid X

in reply to Hopeful1982

Thank you hopeful1982- long time no see.

You must have had your baby now? Must be so worth going through all of this for - I can't wait! I hope you are all keeping well X

Hopeful1982 profile image
Hopeful1982 in reply to

Hi Jess! Yes, I had my baby a few months ago. She's definitely been worth it! But, we all know it will be worthwhile which is why the journey so hard! I still keep an eye on the forum but I'm not on as much as before.

Take care - I hope the clomid works and you get your longed for BFP! x

in reply to Hopeful1982

Congratulations lovely 😍 I love hearing a happy ending X

Thank you - after so long it's nice to know why we haven't had any luck- I have polycystric ovaries. And amazing to be ( after 5 years of ttc) be actually having treatment gives me hope X


romaluna2015 profile image

Hello your most welcome for my support. 😀. Glad the chlomid is working for you 😀. Thank you for mentioning me! I appreciate it although that's what I'm here for to support others in this journey similar to myself.. I too am debating wether to use ovulation test sticks and just see if my GP will test my bloods on day 21 of each cycle to see if chlomid is working for me . As I don't ovulate at all from my previous bloods . Xx

Hey your most welcome 💕

My consultant wrote to me and told me he wasn't sure what happened with my ovulation sticks but as my cycle is from 26-35 days( mostly around 28) if I tried regularly between days 10-22 I wouldn't need to use an ovulation tests- and that he recommended to buy some nice wine- haha! 🍸🍷

The nurse also advised me against ovulation sticks as clomid can affect the results - do beware of that.

I would hate to see you get really upset.

I would work your shortest to longest cycle and subtract 12 days from each of them - that way you will know what your most fertile days are, if you try every 2-3 days you don't need the sticks.

Definitely look into having a progestrone blood test- that's a good idea. If you see it working you'll feel better. If it's not - then it's evidence for you to get your clinic try something else with it.

I have also brought some fertile gel lubricants- as my mucus is so thick as a result of the clomid-I have heard it actually can help aid conception as it has calcium and magnesium ions. Sorry that's probably way too much info!

I'm also taking boots conception vitamins and folic acid, fish oil pills as my Nk is higher than it should be fish oil can lower it- consultant will prescribe steroids once I'm pregnant.


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