My left tube is blocked at the end & might need surgery to unblock.Right tube is fine.What is the waiting time for surgery with NHS ?.Anyone had safe pregnancy after surgery?.
HSG Results: My left tube is blocked... - Fertility Network UK
HSG Results

Hi. I can't answer your questions but in my case my fertility doc gave me a laparoscopy op with hysteroscopy to confirm what they found in the HSG. One tube blocked and mangled, endometriosis and some fibroids. They decided after that op to not unblock my tube but rather transfer me to ivf clinic .
It really depends on individual circumstances and blockage type etc. You will surely be given a follow-up appt with your consultant to discuss best next steps.
Hope you're feeling ok after HSG and best of luck going forwards.
Have you been referred to NHS funded IVF clinic?.NHS funded IVF has age limit of 34 years in my area.Thanks for reply
Hi, yes, in my CCG, we were allowed one fresh cycle and frozen (if there were any). I've been going through this IVF attempt for last couple of months. I haven't heard of CCG with an age limit that low and am sorry if that's the case. I'm curious is that for all up to 34 yrs old, is they're not an exceptional circumstances type request that can be made by surgeons etc from assisted conception unit? I've never looked in any detail beyond my own CCG but just wondering. I was going through ACU for a couple of years and when I first asked my CCG were offering two fresh attempts but by the time I'd had all other ops etc budgets were cut and only one fresh was being offered. It's the stupid postcode lottery for NHS.
Iam 37 years old with hypothyroidism no children before & been told iam not eligible for funded NHS IVF due to age limit. Dye did not spill out from left tube end as per HSG results.I got doc appointment to see after two months.
So worried about waiting times as they have not booked for Laparoscopy in my case.
Thanks for reply.
i know some people don't like hearing positive stories as it can feel like grasping at straws but I've heard that sometimes it's not a blocked tube but rather that the tube went into spasm which stopped the dye from going through. Maybe wait until your follow up appt before assuming the worse case. I'd keep ttc in the meantime as some woman can get pregnant shortly after a HSG as it can help unclog any small blockages. Worth a try
Having said that you know your own body best. I had always suspected my endometriosis so finding out I had a blocked tube meant I was expecting/ in fact hoping for a lap cos I wanted to know how bad it was and to give some comfort to know that I hadn't been insane keep telling everyone for 20 yrs that I knew something wasn't right.
Maybe if you don't have endo or fibroids or anything like that, that it's not appropriate for a lap. I know it seems a long wait but you'll find out more at your follow up.
Maybe they'll try something else, even if IVF isn't an option on the NHS, like clomid or is iui possible? I've no idea as I'm not medically trained but if I was you I'd go to my appt asking these sorts of questions - would a lap help?; what alternatives are there to IVF? Is there any possible exception for IVF because of the hypothyroidism and tube issue etc?
I wish you all the best and encourage you to keep ttc regardless. I fell pregnant miraculously naturally once with only one tube, before I had IVF. Sadly I had a miscarriage but somehow my little follicle made it through my one good tube.
My friend had tube issues and had to have one removed. After her operation she quickly went on to have beautiful girls - I hope they come back to you soon, the waiting is so hard
I had blocked tubes 6 years ago. Got them unblocked & spent more than a year trying to fall pregnant naturally, but didn't. Wish I started IVF sooner - I'm 38, have a 3yo son & am pregnant. This was done privately though, not thru NHS.
After 3 failed transfers, I had my tubes removed to prevent leakage into my uterus which can prevent pregnancy