So today I rang to arrange a HSG. You have to have the procedure between day 4 and day 10 of your cycle. I'm so disappointed that the department was closed on the two days that I could have had a procedure due to training and staff annual leave. After speaking to my OH, I rang back to ask if I could go to another hospital in the trust, I couldn't as the Dr there is off sick. I then asked if I could got to another hospital and they said yes but they wouldn't do a HSG before seeing the new consultant. So we have no choice to sick with our hospital. I have an appointment on the 3rd of August with the specialist. Is it even worth going to see her before having the HSG? I have 35+ long cycles I'm still living in hope that this may be our month, but I feel deflated.
HSG: So today I rang to arrange a HSG... - Fertility Network UK
Hi Jhendersen. Oh dear it is so disappointing to say the least when a procedure can't be booked because of staffing levels etc. Unfortunately, too, a lot of departments wind down during July/August because of the holidays. I would still keep your appointment, as there will be a lot you want to ask, I'm sure. I do have a list of questions I could email you in confidence if you would like. Too long to add here, but if you email me at I will send them to you. Good luck with it all. Diane
What a misfortune.
Like everything against it...
I`d wait to HSG to have a more complicated and productive conversation with specialist.
Anyway you can ask her by phone and then decide.
Hope she`ll understand it correctly and rearrange the meeting.
I had exactly the same! I couldn't believe it, I was really excited to be finally getting somewhere and then they told me there was no one working those days and I'd have to keep trying each month. Thankfully I moved area and got nearer a better hospital who could do hsg appointments every day. Worth checking out other places if u don't mind having another consultation. Good luck, hope you can get it done soon. It's a good procedure to get done as it either shows no problem or shows if something needs to be done xx
Thanks Lili79. How did you get on with your HSG? What happened after you had it? I'm struggling with how long things take. xx
Yes I struggled also with times. I used to have a really stressful job with long hours and it was so difficult to make appointments so these issues were not the kind of things I needed. I once was on my way to a consultation and the clinic phoned and said they had to cancel. I actually had to pull over cos I couldn't stop crying. It was then I realised I had to put my ivf journey first, so quit my job & soooo glad I did it! Hsg was fine although they did tell me prior to this that it was unlikely anything was wrong anyway as it would probably have shown up in my blood tests. They did it as a just in case procedure and I was relieved they were able to tell me straight away that my tubes were all clear. Whatever you do don't Google about it! People seem to liken it to child birth, it really isn't. Was no worse than a smear test and the nurses were lovely to me. Hope u get an appointment soon xx
Oh and p.s. Apparently if everything is clear with tubes they say you are more likely to get pregnant after as the dye kind of clears out any gunk, so worth having a bit of a surge after, if you know what I mean!! Didn't work for me but worth a try 😉
I've read that too! Fingers crossed, I'm on the full of optimism and excitement section of the roller coaster that is infertility at the moment after the arrival of AF on a 42 day cycle. We have a holiday booked to Spain for a week on the 21st of July so fingers crossed! What was the next steps for you after your HSG? xx
We went for another consultation and then referred for icsi. This happened really quick so you're nearly there!! Currently on my 2WW. Nervous as have no symptoms this week at all, but I've never had period pain and problems with periods so I'm hoping that no news is good news. Test day on Monday, it's making me hot & sweaty just thinking about it 😯 xx
That is very annoying like going through this isn't hard enough. Could you afford to go private and have it done before your appointment? I have mixed and matched private and NHS mainly to speed things up a bit ( I did some tests last year between our referral and appointment to see consultant and i really didn't want anymore delays- we at that point been TTC for 5 years) our consultant was absolutely fine with it and accepted my test results. If not I'd still go for your appointment- it's your chance to ask any questions etc otherwise you'll be waiting longer. Good luck with your appointment I hope it goes well. xoxo I think it's about £390 for an hycosy ( which is like an HSG but much cheaper) xoxo
Thanks for taking the time to reply Jess. I'm not sure who I would get in contact with to have a private HSG? It's such a narrow time frame to get one organised I just don't think the added stress to our lives would be beneficial when TTC.
This will be my third appointment with the specialist in August, I'm wondering how many more I'm going to have to have before I feel like we are moving forward. What were the next steps for you after you had a HSG?
Well the HSG was done at our ex fertility clinic all the tests we had done came back normal- so we fell under the unexplained infertility category- so our treatment options were trying or IVF and we couldn't get NHS funding as I have a son from a previous relationship so we were discharged. Several issues with my cycles resulted in a referral to a general gynae who done a hysteroscopy all normal and issues continued and a very long story cut short I was referred to another NHS fertility clinic- had our initial consultation last august- I was put on clomid as my consultant thought my issues in cycle were polycystic ovaries- sadly due to chronic pain in my lower left abdominal side I had to cease treatment- my consultant at our follow up appointment suggested a laparoscopy which was done in June where he found endometriosis and removed implants. He believes the endometriosis to be the cause of my pain and secondary infertility. We have an appointment with him in just under two weeks time to discuss the way forward ( hoping to try for a few months before considering private IVF as my ovaries are normal and my tubes are clear and endo has been treated now and hubby's sperm is fine) It was a relief to have a diagnosis after 5 years and 10 months of TTC.
Good luck with your appointment I hope it goes well. xoxo
Thanks. I hope all goes well at the appointment. xxx
Sorry to hear this. I had an awful time trying to get a hsg test (ended up not needing one in the end because I had to have a laparoscopy). I did go to see the consultant to talk through the rest of my results and explained the issues I'd been having. In the end the consultant's secretary was really helpful and spoke to the imaging department to try and push it through.
I agree with Diane, go to the appointment and see what else they say. I would also explain what happened and hopefully they will be able to help sort you with an appointment.
I did have to complain about the service at my local hospital,so if you feel you haven't had the service you should, I would recommend doing that too.
Wishing you lots of luck xx
Thanks Lucylu, my OH and I have decided to go to the appointment in August. Do you mind me asking why you had a laparoscopy?
I've been reading extensively around infertility, as I am sure we all do! I'm concerned I may have endometriosis, I've been tracking every detail about my cycle and I have been experiencing terrible abdominal pain/pressure which has made sleeping and sitting difficult. Some months I've recorded having a period but looking back I haven't had bright red blood (sorry tmi) just really dark old blood but because it was heavy i tracked it as my period. Other months I've been quiet light with watery pink blood. I've told the doctor as this and she ignored it. I also a few year back went to the doctor as i felt like I had a water infection, pain when going to the toilet, pain during sex and that pressure feeling down there. Which makes me think that might have been endo. The doctor said I had stress incontinence and prescribed something to stop me going to the loo so much.
Have to read of heard of anyone experiencing the same problems? xx
My laparoscopy was to remove 2 endomitrioma cysts. I didn't know anything was wrong until I had the pelvic scan and they picked up a small cyst. I don't really get a lot of pain, just a bit if discomfort on day 1 of my period. Endometriosis is widely misdiagnosed so I hope they can do some more investigations for you. There is an endometriosis group on this site so would be well worth joining, as people may be able to give much better advice than me.
I hope they find out if you do or don't have it and good luck for your appointment.