Hi everyone,
So, the last few months have been the biggest rollercoaster by far.
In March, I was lining myself up to kick start a period with Provera (I have PCOS so have erratic periods) in order to get an HSG scan, when the pre-Provera just-to-be-sure-I'm-not-pregnant-before-I-take-this pregnancy test came up positive. Of course, we were over the moon to have caught at all and thought it was miraculous that it had happened naturally. Inevitably, mother nature had other plans and exactly a week after finding out we were pregnant, we miscarried. I am still utterly heartbroken.
We went to another appointment (during which the consultant very much brushed over the miscarriage, chalking it up as a fact of life - which I appreciate is true but, come on, a gentler approach wouldn't have been too much to ask) and the consultant told us to go through the exact same process as last time. Which we expected and have done.
I was kind of expecting to have to wait until the end of the month to have to take Provera but by some small miracle (funny how periods can become a miracle...) I got my period naturally so could book in for my HSG, which I had today.
The results are quite mixed. One of my tubes is perfect (the little gem) but they said they couldn't determine whether my other one was. The doctor said that what can sometimes happen is that the dye just finds it's way down "the most open route" (apparently it headed straight for my left tube), so it may have just gone straight down one tube leaving little left for the other one, however I found the process quite painful so she said that might be because the tube is blocked. She then mentioned that my consultant might want to send me for a laparoscopy to check. The joys.
I know I should be grateful to have one happy tube and to have been able to catch at all even though we miscarried, but I keep reading on here (and from Dr Google) that even if there is one good tube people are referred for IVF. Is this the only option for me? Is there any other way I could get pregnant? I'm 27 so I'm not sure if I would be referred for IVF so instantaneously? Is age a big factor in being referred? Would Clomid still be an option or would the potential dodgy tube put paid to that? If all this is true and IVF ends up being my only option....am I right to be as scared as I feel for that option?
Also, is it true that for the first 3-6 months after an HSG your chances of getting pregnant increase???