Experience of IVF / ICSI Injections? - Fertility Network UK

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Experience of IVF / ICSI Injections?

bluebell_behcets profile image

My partner and I are just about to start ICSI treatment and I am terrified about having to start injecting myself every day! I have a huge phobia of needles and when I went to the demonstration today, I broke down in tears!

It would be great to hear about other people's experiences going through this, and any advice anyone may have. I don't know how I am going to face it!

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bluebell_behcets profile image
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17 Replies

Hey bluebell its not easy if you have a phobia about needles but if you remain calm and focus on the reason why you are doing this.

I dont have a phobia althought I was anxious about the injections, they were absolutely fine and had no problems at all with them. They are very fine needles, no pain.

With a bit of luck in a months time you will have cured your phobia of needles and have a wee bambino inside for all your efforts.

Best of luck xx

Fingerscrossed4 profile image

You sound like I was at the start! We had ICSI and injections and trust me I was TERRIFIED, used to panick going for blood tests so the thought of injecting daily was horrendous. The first one is the worst and im going to be honest I cried and it took me about half an hour to let my boyfriend come near me as he was doing it for me. BUT trust me once you've been strong an done the first it gets easier I promise and 2 weeks into it I had a go myself and actually preferred it from then on. You probably won't think you'll get to that point but trust me you will and you'll be fine and every day you'll get better and better! just think of the end result. It's cr@p we have to do it but you will do it. Any questions feel free to message me, or post on here, this forum is a godsend x

Fingerscrossed4 profile image
Fingerscrossed4 in reply to Fingerscrossed4

I agree with the above comment, it doesn't hurt, it's just the thought worse than the reality, you'll be fine xx

I'm so glad you posted this! I have a terrible fear of needles.

I recently went in for a laparoscopy and I wasn't worried at all about the procedure, but the thought of the cannula was quite frankly sending me round the bend. I ended up getting the cream to numb my hand. Normally my eyes would be rolling and my temperature going through the roof but managed to get through it with only a stiff neck.

I have got a lot better, I wouldn't have got through the door previously but the infertility journey is making me stronger with medical stuff.

Next steps for us is to get put on the list for treatment, not sure what one yet but the fear of needles is already making me panic.

Parentsofangels profile image
Parentsofangels in reply to

Trust me, canula is 1000 times worse than the daily injections!!!!! Eugh, even now the thought of a canula makes me shiver, and I've had a fair few now lol.

Sounds to me like you'll do well hun xx

Don't fear as the injections aren't bad the needles are so fine. Blood tests and the cannula are much worst. Just keep it in your mind that it's a step closer to your dream xxx

babybrain2011 profile image

Ahhh, I understand how you feel, although I don't have a huge phobia of needles, it got worse through the treatment. Hubs and I had ICSI and I am totally fed up of needles! To start with I got him to inject me until I felt confident to do it myself (only at the end). It wasn't that bad as it is a subcutaneous injection ie in the soft bit of your belly, I don't know about you but a bit of tummy really helped, but mentally having someone else do it while having chat helped. Good luck!

Parentsofangels profile image

I was nervous of the injections, but for me doing them myself was far better, and a lot better than blood tests or canula's!

My other half was very jumpy about the injections, I'll be honest I teased him about it and said if this works in 8 or 9 months he'll see a damm sight worse than a bloody needle 😂

Good luck hun, remember to tell yourself you're doing this for the very best reasons hun


fertmag profile image

Hi Bluebell_behcets - having a fear of needles/injections is very common and unfortunately it's a big part of ICSI! A couple of thoughts that might help (going through the treatment is bad enough so if you can do something about the injections, it makes it a bit more bearable!). One suggestion is a session with a hypnotherapist - if you find one who has helped women with fertility, you may get a double whammy. (Jo Rawlinson wrote a great article for me - happy to pass on her details in a PM). Also another natural method that may help is EFT or Tapping - this can be done over Skype. (Again PM me as I know someone who is very good). Neither of these cost too much in the scheme of things and I'm certain it would help. Good luck with the injections and your cycle xx

Isa84 profile image


I don't particularly like needles either and never look when getting blood taken and getting a canula put in so having to look and inject yourself is a difficult thought. However I can promise you that the needles you inject yourself with are so so fine that you honestly don't feel them going in. Pinch a little bit of your skin and they just glide in without you feeling it. When u start to push the syringe the solution can sting a little tiny bit but it lasts a second or two! Then just sit for a few minutes and relax. I was terrified doing my first one but I promise they get easier and easier. The first few times your heart will race but I promise it's not a painful part of the IVF process. You will be fine! Best of luck to you with it all! It's really hard for the partners as well! Give each other a big hug after you do the first one, it's the first step in your journey and you'll both have been incredibly brave!


MrsKS profile image

Hey Bluebell,

I was scared of the whole idea of injections,I can't even look when my hubby does it. But it doesn't hurt at all! And it helps that we make sure we're always in good spirits and talking about something fun...and before you know it it's done ;-)

rosy_l profile image

This post has given me confidence going to start my first ones in about an hour!

bluebell_behcets profile image
bluebell_behcets in reply to rosy_l

Good luck! Let me know how it goes!

rosy_l profile image
rosy_l in reply to bluebell_behcets

It was so much better than i thought! Couldnt even feel the needle go in! i pinched skin by my bellybutton and husband injected me, didnt take long to do, the only thing he found hard was to steady needle as he was almost pushing the syringe part into my skin, but i think the nurse said put it in, steady it with hand at base the slowly push plunger with other hand. So will try that tomorrow, i couldnt even speak to tell him that whilst he was doing it! But once over it really wasnt bad at all! I normally nearly faint getting bloods taken so I feel quite proud of myself :)

bluebell_behcets profile image

Thanks so much for everyone's replies! Really helped hearing everyone's comments and how you all handled it! Still terrified but feeling a bit more positive! Thank you 😊

DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK in reply to bluebell_behcets

Hi bluebell_behcets. One little trick that can sometimes help, is putting an ice cube on the spot for 15 mins before injecting - tends to numb the area. Good luck! Diane

wendazzler profile image

I am in this boat about to start Down Regulating and very scared needle phobic dreading it I can handle others giving me needles, just about but the idea of doing it myself omg I can't my man said he will but what if he is not available when I need it I wish you luck hun sorry I am not reassuring very much but I wanted to let you know your not alone in this and it is easy for people to say aw but it will be worth it, yep maybe but so is the Booster jab , still don;t make it easier x

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