Ivf /icsi procedure in Turkey . Can anyone share their experiences and give advice to ppl who may b thinking about going abroad the benefits and negatives . Thank you
IVF ICSI ABROAD TURKEY : Ivf /icsi... - Fertility Network UK

Hi I never tried turkey but went Greece and in the first attempt am 5 and a half months pregnant.
My best friend recommended it and she went and conceived with twins with her own eggs and husband sperm in the first go .
I did ivf with icsi which is €4000 but the medication is on top of that which varies how much dosage one needs mine cost around €1500.
All I can say with the daily scans and blood tests and monitoring of the dosage of medication it’s definitely well worth the experience and outcome. Only for this reason I went abroad because in the Uk it seems like trial and error if it works it works but they don’t go that extra mile .
Clinic was Embio medical centre in Athens x
So you partner had low sperm count ?Your procedure was quite expensive , don't you think so .
So run me through the process how long were you there for and how many eggs did you get? . Thank you
In total with flights accommodation food and everything we paid around €7000
We never had anything done in Uk ever except the tests on NHS which showed my tubes was blocked . So we stayed in Greece for 24 days from start to finsih . Treatment started on day 1 of period which was 15/2/2020
On day 14 they have me the trigger shot which makes the follicles mature
So I had 12 eggs out of which 6 was the right size . We wanted 100% success chance so they recommended us ivf with icsi is where at egg retrevial they injected my husbands sperm in each egg . In the end we had 3 good grade eggs left so I had two transferred. One frozen for future use . At embroyo transfer I was asked if I want one or two I said two . Anyway I conceived with twins but one didn’t stick as I had bleeding in first 6 weeks . But one did which was good enough for us . Now I’m 22 weeks with a baby boy and ever is fine so far x
Hi Ivfabroad
Please could tell me which test have done on NHS ?
Thank you
Hi I had a blood test on day 1 day 3 and day 5 of my period and then again day 21 of my cycle to measure the amh levels and the day 21 was to check if I was ovulating .
All that was fine
Husband has sperm analysis which was normal too
Then I had my Fallopian tubes checked which was blocked and I was told they can’t be unblocked unless I lose the 35 kg .
I mean I’m 101 kg weight but I’m tall so I’m overweight but that’s the excuse nhs used to refuse us ivf
Unless I dropped down to 79kg which was the maximum for my height
Also you need to pay for flights and then accomadation which all adds up
Yeh it all does add up
But my case I had blocked tubes and were both smokers and I am overweight with a BMI of 40 so no way nhs would treat me . They told me to lose 35 kg for treatment
I lost 7kg and that wasn’t easy at all.
It is expensive but I wouodnt ever waste that money in the Uk . So many friends have wasted so much money here is unbelievable. I mean we’re not rich lol
Me and my husband saved every penny for one year to make this move x
Such a refreshing story . Yeah it is quite expensive I guess if I knew my procedure was guaranteed success I would pay it . What is your age ? Thank you for answering my questions
I’m 35 he is 32 even I feel it’s too old but it worked x
It's not too old but your lucky . Guess that's all you really need . I had a look on their website and it says 2000 euros ?
You can email them for more info
The dr who does all the scans and embryo transfer himself
You can say anisah from Uk recommended you and he usually responds in a day to two .
Thank you anisah for the advice I will defently message him . What's the doctors name ?
Dr thanos parachoas
I will definitely go again end of next year because like I said I’m already 35 and it wasn’t an easy move to go for ivf but I just went with all the advice of the dr and he said you will leave Greece with a baby . They been doing it for so long along like a lot of clinics worldwide but the Uk experience has been if it doesn’t work first time try again not everyone can afford constant tries and even then your body gets tired too from the medications . It’s not easy experience. Good luck message me if you need any more information x
Thank you anisah I will do . To be honest I was considering a clinic in Turkey but my options are opened .
I will defently contact the clinic and if it's with in my price range I will consider them based upon the Information you have provided .
What he guaranteed you success before the procedure began ? Me and my wife are 30 this year . I agree with you regarding the process in the UK we have experienced it. We felt like the clinic just wanted the money from the government who granted us a free try. We felt like we were just another nunber to them.Wasn't nice at all , they didn't discuss any options or anything they just did the treatment and what ever the out come was it just was.
To be honest I guess because my friend had twins and recommended it I went with the same clinic . The guarantee was because my husband sperm was fine And My uterus lining was good already
My periods was regular and we had no health issues except my blocked tubes and ivf was the only option
All my blood tests etc which need to be done for ivf prior and uterus and ovaries scans was fine
I think that’s fine .
You guys are still very young
We been trying for five years and had no luck so this was the only option left.
I guess with blocked tubes the chances at zero x
We did tests here in the UK before doing the procedure and the doctors said my sperm count was low but my wife was ohrite so I don't know what the outcome of that is going to be .
So if your sperm count is low they could of done ivf with icsi and used the best sperm to inject into the eggs directly to create embryos . The reason we used ivf with icsi was we just 100% wanted a successful implantation
Yeah we did icsi . Managed to get a 5day embryo which didn't stick and the other three didn't develop
So my dr recommended me 3 day transfer as I had only 3 embroyo that made it and it was very risky to lose them to wait for 5 days
We had two transferfered one stuck other didn’t and 3rd one we froze
3 day is that based upon how good the egg and sperm is ? My Dr at the time didn't recommend any thing
Also is it possible they can get multiple sperm samples to create embryos because my sperm isn't good so if they get one sample the chances of creating multiple good embryos is very low .
But they just mixed it all up weak sperm with good one and just hoped and it's not always about money and time it's a stressful procedure to take the injections and you can relate to that.
I am from the USA and I have been living in Egypt I just finished first cycle of Ivf I am in my 2 weeks waiting period I also had 3 cycles of Ivf in the USA and they all worked for me but it was very expensive this time in Egypt the process was short and everything cost about $2200 and I have to wait for 2 more days to know if it worked
Mashallah that's very good to hear. Which clinic are you with if you don't mind me asking .