Am in shock. After round 1 of ivf and having only 3 eggs fertilise and none getting to blastocyst, this time I have 3 good looking blasts and one now back at home inside my womb. 2 to freeze. Can't believe it has been so different. Only thing we did differently was I lost a stone in weight and my hubby has been on proxceed. Just want to give hope to those who had a crappy first round. At 37 with reduced ovarian reserve reserve I was starting to think we didn't stand a chance. Feeling much more positive for our 2 week wait 😊
Embryo transfer today: Am in shock... - Fertility Network UK
Embryo transfer today

Good luck anna and thanks for giving me hope that my second cycle will be as successful as yours xx
It's so bizarre how different each cycle can be. Think you can definitely have hope 😊. Are you starting your next cycle soon? Xx
I'm on stimms at the monent and scan tomorrow to see if I'm ready for egg collection this Friday 😃 xx
Hope all goes well for you. These stages cause so much anxiety when you haven't had a great result first time. Feeling much more relaxed now I've reached the 2ww! Hopefully you will be joining me soon with some good embryos. Keeping everything crossed for you xx
Lovely to hear as I have low egg reserve, I am still at injection stage but worry how I am responding and how many eggs I will get if any.
What drugs have you been on? I am on menopur 450

I was on mixed dose of menopur and gonal f. Combined was 450 in total but they upped my menopur by another 75 for last few days of stimming. Had worries high dose could effect quality, but I was obviously wrong about that! I only had follicle count of 3 pre treatment and got so nervous before my first stimming scan as thought they might see nothing, but both times had about 4 follicles on each side. Have you had your first scan since being on the menopur? Xx
That's great and very reassuring for me to hear. I have my day 6 blood test tomorrow then Fri Scan and bloods so fingers crossed there's something there. You have done great getting this far really hope you get a BFP xxx
Pretty amazing result!, wishing you the best & a bfp, X
Good luck Anna, hope the 2ww is not too bad and you get the best news ever, take care xx