I am so bloody frustrated....
We have had so much conflicting answers on this journey.
So the first time we just went with the doctors suggestions and it failed no reason why just a well let's look at that as the pre run ( 4K cost pre run ) 2 x 5d blast no Frosties
Second cycle at ICSI failed and got a sorry just don't understand but defo have another round and it should work we will change things.... So sorry ( 4.5k sorry) 2 x 3 day no Frosties
Change of clinic just fed up went for a few more tests paid several fees for the consultant and see said slight raised NK will treat you.....
Got bad feed back about clinic and so we changed again as got really good feedback and results were good, best outcome yet
1800 on blood test 500 on consults fees 7k on treatment and got 12 eggs lost 60% 8 fertilised went into have 3 left 2 x 5dt other mite never made it no Frosties.
Failed again without answer however when asked if it could be my eggs said could be... Why did you not say that before would have used donor told me bloods show signs of Lups anti cogulant so have to have clexane and all this other stuff that I really didn't need.
Are they just happy to pump and pump drugs into us for fun. π‘
Now going for the last time abroad using DE they have contradicted everything I have been told prior π’
What the hell. Who is right and who is wrong we are so confused and upset we have spent masses of cash.
And still no baby don't know what to do.
Where is the faith on these costly consultants?
Sorry rant over π
Onwards and upwards