Feeling lost, confused, upset and ang... - Fertility Network UK

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Feeling lost, confused, upset and angry.

15 Replies

Hello all.

I'm feeling lost and angry again today. Had to do pregnancy test to make sure I had misscarried properly. And of course it said I'm not pregnant. I really did not want to do it. But had to. It was awful doing it. I knew what the answer would be. Now Im feeling back to square one. Not knowing what to do where we are going to go. Not the start to the new year I wanted. With this hanging Over us. And it seems everyone around us is having no trouble just falling pregnant. Going to go for a nap. See if that helps make me feel better at least for a bit. Sorry for rambling on and down post.

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15 Replies
mmc224 profile image

Completely understand how you are feeling. In the same position as I miscarried on my husbands 30th birthday recently, and then had to somehow sit through a huge family party, really didn't feel like it. not really feeling festive this year. Hope you feel a bit calmer after a nap. I've been going out walking a lot.

Hopeful1982 profile image

Hi Piglet, that sounds awful. No wonder you feel upset. Having to do a pregnancy test you're reliving the disappointment. It's so frustrating that so many others fall pregnant so easily. So many people have no idea just how painful this all is and I desperately wish I was one of them! Take care of yourself x

pm27 profile image

Hi Piglet,

Sorry to hear you're having a tough day. Feeling angry and lost is normal as you've been through so much emotionally and physically.

I hope that the nap and getting your thoughts out on here helps a bit.

Much love to you.

MrsDx profile image

Hi Katie, sorry to hear you are feeling bad again. This whole journey is such a nightmare. I don't think there is anything you can do about your feelings after such a sad time. Easier said than done but try and take some comfort in treating yourself at the mo. Pizza tonight, shopping tomorrow, cocktail the next day etc... Then slowly but surely you will be ready and strong enough to make your 2015 plan of action. Lots of happy new year wishes xx

So sorry for yyou was in that position of constant testing even though I knew the result. Always felt like a kick

1 day at a time....

loafs of love to you xxxx

wizzleandmolly profile image

Sending you lots of hugs xxx

Hope23 profile image

Sorry to hear this lovely. It's total crap, I know, I just wanted to shout at them and say another test? Really?! As the other posts have said just take it day by day. I was dreading Xmas and heading into the new year after what happened, but all we can do is take it day by day and get through the only way we can. I know you said you're going to have to save now, it's tough and not fair.... I do know how you feel, honestly. It's all just so expensive. Just let all the emotions out and ride the storm hun. Take care and try to stay upbeat if you can. Love to you xx

Princess09 profile image

Hi piglet12,I know that feeling all 2 well,I miscarried 2 years ago and taking that test is just going through it all over again.youre bound to feel lost and hurt and I know what you mean,everyone seems to get pregnant so easily and for us its such a struggle.give yourself some time to get your head round whats happened and its ok to feel angry,I just kept telling myself everything happens for a reason and somehow you just manage to keep going.i hope you feel better soon.sending hugs.xx

Kernishp profile image

You sound like a very brave and strong lady to me. Even though the year has started badly, it doesn't mean it will continue that way. I hope you start feeling better soon. X

Mooster1 profile image

Hi Piglet sorry to hear your loss. Know exactly how you feel having miscarried a few months ago. Getting through Christmas was hellish. All I seem to of done is ate & drank which now hasn't made me feel great. I've had a few periods since which I equally dread as each time I'm obviously hoping it won't arrive....but it does....bang on.....horrible, painful, back aches etc. Rubbish.....

But hey.......

Let's see what 2015 brings I guess. Best of luck Hun. Sprinkling lots of baby dust. X

Mooster1 profile image

Hi Piglet sorry to hear your loss. Know exactly how you feel having miscarried a few months ago. Getting through Christmas was hellish. All I seem to of done is ate & drank which now hasn't made me feel great. I've had a few periods since which I equally dread as each time I'm obviously hoping it won't arrive....but it does....bang on.....horrible, painful, back aches etc. Rubbish.....

But hey.......

Let's see what 2015 brings I guess. Best of luck Hun. Sprinkling lots of baby dust. X

pumpkin1 profile image

Hi piglet12. I totally understand what you mean. I've just had a miscarriage at 8 weeks. After two failed IVF cycles and being told the chances of us conceiving naturally was basically nil, it was an amazing and scary surprise to find out we were expecting in the first place. I spent the majority of that weekend in tears. We feel someone is having a really cruel joke with us. I was stupid to allow myself to look at baby clothes in adsa once the shock had worn off. I don't want to do a test either. Having the majority of tests we've done over the past 5 years have been negative, I really don't need to see that again. Now we also have a decision to make. Do we see how things go over the next few months, keeping our fingers crossed it happens again and we run the risk of miscarriage again or do we cut our loses, go on the pill and move on with our lives which is what we were trying to do before this all happened. Life's so cruel sometimes. Good luck with all your decisions. X

in reply to pumpkin1

Hello pumpkin1. So sorry you have had a miscarriage to. It's horrible isn't it. Lots of love. We have decided to use our last frozen embryo. Which was a big decision in itself. Took us a while. We have a appintment at the clinic soon to discuss everything and what the plan will be. Which we are saving up for. And my hubby's parents have agreed to help with some of the money. Which is lovely. and also our church want to help us to. Be after that it will be naturally or not at all. Lots of love and luck to you lovely. Here if you ever need to talk. ️Xx

pumpkin1 profile image

Hi piglet12. Thank you for your kind words. We've been to berry what was the remains of our baby today with my dad. He will look after it for us now. Good luck with your next cycle. I hope everything works out for you this time. I've got my fingers crossed for you both. Take care xx

in reply to pumpkin1

Hello. Oh lovely. Very sorry you had to do that. But site your dad will be looking after your baby now. Take comfort in that. Also don't give up. One thing we have been telling ourselves is that I now know I can get pregnant which just was not happening beofre. So yes it sucks big time that I lost our baby but it can happen. I'm not saying that's what you want to do. But it may happen again. And I looked into miscarriages a lot and it says that generally you won't miscarry again. Hope you make a decision in your own time. And thank you for your wishes of our next cycle. I won't be doing it for a while yet as I really don't feel ready to yet. But am feeling better ish now we have some sort of plan. ️Xxx lots of love. ️Xxx

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