Hi everyone,
yesterday I was 11dp3dt and started spotting. So I went and bought a FIrst Response Early Result pregnancy test and it came back positive.
The spotting continued (brown spotting) and I started to get a lot of pain in my right side which then goes into my tummy
I did another pregnancy test this morning at 4 am as it is my official test day and the test came back a faint positive. So it's not looking good.
The brown spotting is only when I wipe (sorry for TMI) but the pain in my right side is constant. Today I would be 4 weeks 1 day pregnant.
The clinic told me to come in tomorrow for a blood test. When I started this IVF I was told that my risk of a ectopic pregnancy is very high due to scarring and adhesions around my fallopian tubes and the partly blocked tubes... hoping it's only a chemical.
This was our second IVF with ICSI and the last one on the NHS and also the last one with my own eggs due to a very low AMH/egg count.
If we want to try again then we will have to go overseas for donor egg treatment.
But beforehand I want my tubes removed to increase the chance of it working and to limit the risk of an ectopic pregnancy.
Please wish me luck everyone. Thanks xx