I’m freaking out a little bit as I have just taken a pregnancy test and it’s positive, we haven’t been trying properly but obviously not been careful- story is though I had an ectopic in April 2017 couldn’t get pregnant after so had an HyCoSy and they found that I had one tube that liquid didn’t go through- they diagnosed it as blocked and other that seemed fine- My ectopic tube 😣 I had this test nearly two years ago, we moved on to IVF shortly after and I had my son 5 months ago. Thinking about my history we’re obviously a bit nervous that this is also an ectopic- My period was due yesterday and I’ve taken a normal 25 m/mol sensitivity and it’s a clear positive 😫
So for those who have had an ectopic when did you get symptoms- like any pain? What were your tests like- did they progress as in did line get darker or did the weeks indicator change as when it’s expected. Did you get spotting- if so when did it start?
Thanks all