Heavy bleeding 7dp5et: So I'm heart... - Fertility Network UK

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Heavy bleeding 7dp5et

Sunnysarah01 profile image
24 Replies

So I'm heart broken, today I woke up went to toilet an their was a big clot of bright red blood. Defo period. It's all over for me again! I also did a test and that was definitely negative no sign what so ever of even a faint line. I don't kno if in more angry than upset but the pain is horrible. Clinic hav told me to continue with crinone gel and still test on Saturday butni really don't see what the point is.

Next step for us would be to have a FET we hav 3 frozen a 5BB, 3BB AND 3BC so the decision is do we take out all 3 and have the best two put back in?

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Sunnysarah01 profile image
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24 Replies
Dreamer101 profile image

Hi Sunnysarah01 I'm sorry to hear you're going through this. The exact same thing happened to me this morning. The nurse gave me the same advice & I too don't see what the point is.

The nurse did say there still could be a chance it hasn't failed.

Stay strong xxx

Sunnysarah01 profile image
Sunnysarah01 in reply to Dreamer101

Hey Hun x I'm sorry the same had happened to u x it's horrible isn't it x is booked a little trip to France yest for Sunday which wud hav been day after test day so instead of a celebration trip I'm gonna go away clear my head and get wasted lol x everyone keeps saying to me there is still hope but I kno deep inside it's over, part of me want to believe theirs hope but then when it comes to sat I don't want another heartache x I'm gonna join the gym today and hit that hard to take my anger out distract me x lots of love to U xxx

Dreamer101 profile image
Dreamer101 in reply to Sunnysarah01

Hey, yes it is horrible & a shock to the system. I like your strategy & I hope you really enjoy France!!

I think I'm hitting the wine bottle tonight - I'll be thinking of you as I guzzle it down lol

In a way I'm glad I know now, I really felt like my life was on hold...we were kinda hoping we were pregnant obviously we had to then act pregnant - which for me was a mind f*ck not knowing either way but living in that bubble of hope & oh that bubble is ever so delicate..

I rather know yes or no so I can get on with my life...and now I know so I will enjoy myself until I can get my head together.

I'll be thinking of you - big hugs & kisses xxx

Lucy26 profile image

So sorry this didn't work for you, I found out last Thursday too that our embryo also didn't work, a chemical pregnancy and before I could get my blood test results back I had a period 5 days after test day..... Heart broken and shocked.

I had 5 days of enjoying a drink, cried every day, I did so much walking to clear my head, had a bath and generally did everything I couldn't do whilst my life was on hold for all those weeks, I wish you all the best of luck for the next round?

I also have 3 frozen embryos and will defo be having two out back next time!!!!

X x x x

Vickal profile image

SunnySarah01 and Nystercia I'm so sorry to hear this it's so sad when it doesn't work. To me it felt like a bereavement, hardest thing I've ever been through but time is a healer so give yourselves time and space to get your head around it. A holiday sounds like a great plan. Be kind to yourselves with a few treats xx

Dreamer101 profile image

Thanks Vickal xxx

dreaminpink profile image

Ah thats so sad for everyone, its such a hard journey, thinking of everyone xx

ceyc profile image

Hello.ladies. sorry this is happening to us..i had the same story and my test day was yesterday. I didnt know what to feel ..but lets have a group hug and hope things will be healed by time. Xxxx

Sunnysarah01 profile image

Thanku everyone for ur kind words x I don't kno what is do with out this site x defo need to tell Hollie willaboobie lol about this site and get the admin ppl on surprise surprise lol x I went out shopping today had a beer and bought some new gym clothes to join a gym and get fit for the next lot of treatment x love and hugs to u all xxx

Dreamer101 profile image

Thanks everyone - yes a group hug is defo needed ceyc!

I'm also following SunnySarah01 in having an alcoholic berarage as we speak. I'm glad you've been out and about hun. Here's to us for being strong through a tough time! Bottoms up!

Nessieval1 profile image

How are you feeling now ? has the bleeding stopped now ? It can still be positive ..... I have read that it can still happen :) I am praying for you and please message anytime. I have been testing for the past three days and negative :( my official test date is tomorrow but I have stopped my pesserie as I know it's not worked . This was my first time and my last ... Im on holiday and can't use the clinic test till sat and then I'm there on Monday but no point . I'm really praying for good news for you xxx

Dreamer101 profile image
Dreamer101 in reply to Nessieval1

Hi Nessieval1, I'm sorry to hear you've had negative tests, but I've read that a lot of people read negative until their test date so maybe there is still some hope?

I'm still bleeding too, I have no other symptoms & my bleeding started exactly 14 days after the trigger shot - hence indicating I have started my period. I'm fine, I was a little upset but hey there's nothing I can do.

Big hugs to you & I know it's difficult xxxx

Sunnysarah01 profile image

Hi nessieval x I'm so sorry to hear u hav been testing negative x how come u starting testing 3 days ago? Did u start bleeding too? I'm still bleeding yeah and it's quite heavy like a norm period 😢 I am heart broken x I'm also praying for good news for u too my love x keep me updated x lots of love xxxx

Nessieval1 profile image

Thank you for your prayers .. I haven't bled yet but know myself that's it's not worked .. You just know your own body I suppose ... Please keep me updated and thinking of you xx

hopeforICSI profile image

Hi ladies, I am so sorry to know that for most of us it didn't work this time and defo we experience horrendously disappointed once bubble of hope is over!! Yes I also feel intense bereavement. I would say let's hug together and give it a try again...for resilience is the only option for this wanting to have little embie work for us!!!! Xx hugs for all xx

Dreamer101 profile image
Dreamer101 in reply to hopeforICSI

Hi hun, I'm sorry things haven't worked out for you & yes if there's an option for another try defo go for it. This is the first & last funded ivf treatment for me...& I have not got any frozen embryos. We are hoping to conceive naturally now as we have unexplained fertility & everything seems fine down there.

We are determined to make it!

I hope you have success with your future treatments hun - yes big hugs to you xxx

Nessieval1 profile image

Hi all how are we all doing ? I'm a negative today which is my test date 10dp5dt so Jo hope for me but I am praying for all ladies going through it xxx wevarenblessed already with a wonderful family and I pray that blessing on you all xxx

Dreamer101 profile image
Dreamer101 in reply to Nessieval1

Aww sorry hun, I hope you're ok.

I'm due to test Monday but I'm being realistic. I'm still bleeding quite a lot & I know it's my period.

I'm doing fine & I'm hoping you're doing good too xxx

Sunnysarah01 profile image

Hey all x I'm still bleeding really heavy too x normally my period wud be coming to an end by now and nowhere near this much blood so it defo over for me 😢 suppose their is so much blood as the lining was nice and thick? Hope everyone is okay x lots of love xxxx

Dreamer101 profile image
Dreamer101 in reply to Sunnysarah01

Hi hun, it's horrible isn't it? Maybe it is because the lining was thick - I dunno. When is your test date?

I'm the same heavy red bleeding - did a test it was negative as expected. My test date is Monday but I won't be testing - not spending anymore when I already have my answer! However yours could be a totally different outcome & I reallyhope it is!

Hugs xxxx

Sunnysarah01 - so sorry to hear this. A break will deffo do you some good, clear your mind and then when you start FET it will be with a fresh and positive mind. Xx

Sunnysarah01 profile image

Thanks ladies x my yet date is Tomo x ill do it but I already knonits negative but ill do it for closure x a tennie tiny part of me is still praying butni kno deep down it's negative x joined the gym tho and just done a class and loved it so that will take my mind off things xxx

ceyc profile image
ceyc in reply to Sunnysarah01

Sorry dear. Hope you will see what you expect to see. And be prepared whatever is the result. Xxx

Sunnysarah01 profile image

So as u lovely ladies kno today was my official test day despite heavy bleeding from weds I thought I'd test anyway and their was a faint line 😁 I now hav no idea what to think I'm trying not to get my hopes up to much as I kno it could all still be negative x I'm booked in for 9.30 to go see my emergency doctor up the community hosp as my IVF clinic isn't open x hoping to hav a blood test. MEH why can't it just be yes or no x I dont think I am as I've ha a heavy period but then why is te test showing a faint line x I've NEVER seen even a faint line when I've tested before so to me this is rare lol and I've taken about a 100 photos of it lol x I tried to add te pic so u could see but I don't kno how to. I'm goin away Tomo and hav bought lots of alcahol to consume now I don't kno whether to drink or not lol xxx

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