So today was the end of my 2WW and I am absolutely over the moon with a BFP! I did do a HPT on Saturday and it was positive but it hasn't really sunk in until calling the clinic today
I just want to say a massive thank you for everyone's support since I joined this site and re-assure you all that there is hope.
Hubby and I have been ttc for 4 years, I had to lose over 6 stone to qualify for NHS funding, we both gave up smoking then hubby was told he had no usable sperm. We opted for sperm donation. I was then a low responder to my meds (short protocol was far from short!) then my hormone levels were too high for ET so had a freeze all. 3 months later we had a medicated FET and here I am!
Lots of hiccups along the way, but where there's a will there's a way!
Keep positive ladies and I really do hope that all your dreams come true xxx