I was in two minds if to write this post as I know how difficult it is to read these updates if you are still struggling. and the fact that I am still in shock at a positive result. But I would also like to share a story of hope.
So some of you will know my history, we had success on our second ICSI cycle( first fresh transfer) back in 2021 and after a healthy pregnancy our daughter was stillborn at 34 weeks. we have been continuing treatment since May 2022 in the hope of conceiving a sibling for our daughter.
None of this has been easy and if I am honest I had lost all hope of ever being pregnant again, along side grief , fertility treatment , life has been so empty and we have had two BFN's and another embryo thaw failure. I was then given a forced medical break this year being put on Prostap injections for three months and a long wait for my cycles to return before being able to go into our fourth egg collection.
Every step of this cycle I would panic at what would be wrong the feeling of desperation and knowing also financially we could not just keep doing IVF. Each scan I was full of nerves , the dreaded calls from the embryologist , even up to the transfer day worrying that it just would not result in a transfer. But it did and we ended up with one embryo transferred and one frozen both good quality. Which I was so grateful for as I am just about to turn 39 and have endometriosis and my partner having very low sperm count.
To my amazement I did the test on Monday after a long 14 day wait and it was positive , I had so many emotions wash over me in that moment.
It is extremely early days and I know that pregnancy after loss will be another challenge full of fear but for now we are both relieved and so grateful. 🌈
Thanks for all the support and best wishes to everyone X