I have found great comfort at reading other positive news, so I hope this post is Ok.
I am still struggling to believe it’s real, but today at 10dp5dt we had a BFP (first one was at 8dp5dt and was also clear, but it’s only just starting to sink in!). OTD is next Wednesday so we’ll test again then..
I really hope that after a missed miscarriage of identical twins (non IVF), a cancelled medicated FET, a chemical pregnancy with a natural FET (PGS tested) and an unsuccessful natural FET (PGS tested), this might be our time. It was the first time that there were no unexplained fluids in the womb at the beginning of the cycle. It was a double transfer of two PGS tested embryos and for the first time we did FET with a stimulated protocol which worked well from the beginning for us. We also had intralipids and hcg wash.
Hoping this stays real and sending you all love