Phone call feom nurse before xmas to say they made mistake with payment and i need to pay extra 600 for ICSI .. she also said she will phone straight after new year so get me started even if they dont get matching recipient and eggs will go to bank .. but they didnt phone so i did myself while ago ... and bn told theres no matching recipient and i just hv to wait for one .. nothing about starting and eggs gpin to bank this time .. just be patient and wait .. hopefully soon .. how long is that tho another month or two .. blood tests are only valid til 17th february so will hv to get them repeated again .. am i bn told different every time feeling confused.
:( confused : Phone call feom nurse... - Fertility Network UK
:( confused

Hun I'm so sorry to hear that..I know wot it's like to be given different advice by clinic so frustrating!! Like the nurse told me not to get hubby's blood test done till recipient would be found but then got told I couldn't be matched till hubby had his screening blood tests done-then our surgery messed up and didn't send one result ..and my clinic didn't realize ..and by luck by ordering more thyroxine clinic realized the error but at least it's resolved and I heard from my clinic before Christmas and hopefully things are moving forward.. My results expired last month and hubby's are expiring this month.. So annoying ESP with the stress we went to get hubby's results arrr!!!! But as clinic was shut during Christmas period couldn't be matched up so my waiting starts now-I hate waiting too!
I hope you get matched up soon X

Before xmas she said i am phoning you to say about money and all that and now she said it was only to confirm that i knew about money and was happy to pay extra for it .. i said i didnt hv problem to pay even today if thats whats stopping us then she said no no u dont need to pay until we get match .. but dont understand why she said we woukd be starting straight new year .. now says something different x yes i read your story and from now on i will be just phoning them to double check coz dont want sit and wait while they sit and wait and we just waste more time. Xx thanx for reply Jess xxx
It's the only way otherwise you can risk getting time delays.. Waiting is bad enough.. Add time delays arrrrrr!!
Very annoying tho for you when you're looking forward to it.. I think they're over run but they don't see how much their careless mistakes causing time delays upset us when let's face it we are already upset enough being in this hellish position..
I'll keep my fingers crossed and I hope they can find a match soon esp as they mucked it up for you.. Could go in your favour .. One they'll feel bad for their error and two you haven't slide under 100s of women also egg sharing( so many couples not being able access nhs funding not surprising ) and you've now flashed up on the system could end up being a good thing., mine pulled their finger out very quickly after realizing their error Could go in your favour
Your time will come.. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you will find a match soon. Deep breaths we will get there hunni X
Maybe i should be more patient too myself as couldnt even wait another day think clinic was back to work today .. 5 mins i think this way .. give them time to deal with things too yoi are not far away now .. next 5 mins i am panicking .. what if its goin to be another two or three months xx just hate waiting so much x did they tell u how long .. the longest it would be to get a match .. they said hopefully soon to me which can be ages again xxx
Hi Hun no they did not tell me a time scale..but gave me an impression if wouldn't be long as when they phoned me they wanted me to have a nurse consulation and wanted to consent forms etc ( I already had those) and they wanted photos of me to help with matching..when I spoke to nurse she just said you won't start your treatment till next year now..! The ball is def rolling tho!! I'm taking this chance to get us both in a good healthy placd for ivf.. I don't know about you but I ate quite badly over Xmas and I'm ashamed to admit it but I also enjoyed more than a few glasses of wine Now I'm making a real effort for us both to eat really healthy and started my alcohol detox last week ( very ill with sinus infection) I know I shouldn't really be drinking when ttc but it was the only way to survive Xmas.. This time delay gives you both a chance to get super healthy and ready for ivf .. That's the way I'm looking at it chick
Keep me updated I'll let you know when I hear from my clinic sorry I couldn't be more helpful with timings.. I wish I knew too!! Hopefully it won't be too long for either of us.. X we will get there xxx
Hi Jess .. u know we made some bad decisions before with my partner having his reversal done .. and it failed .. now i wish we went for IVF straight away and now we would have some answers x just thinking if we are on good road now .. and just dont understand why would they say something get your hopes up and then push u back to ground. .. its bn hard so far but at least we always had time scale for everything now its just whole year in front of us with milion questions and one more .. is there chance that noone will pick me? Xx wish i was as pissitive as you xx yes will have bit more time to clear body from xmas rubbish i was only bad with eating .. no drink .. two halfs of shot glasses of baileys and new years champagne thats it xxx wondering if any egg sharers here on site could tell us about their experiences and how long it took for them to get matched xx
It's def not fair how they dash away hopes.. I'm sure someone will pick you of course they will I can't see why they wouldn't
It's hard staying positive when you've had a knock.. I'm the same.. This situation is hard enough but when you think you're making progress and realize not you're bound to feel unmotivated... Don't be so hard on yourself.. It's good says and bad days and it's all part of this vile illness we live with..It's prob taking longer coz all the clinic shut down over Xmas.. Bloody Xmas!!! That's prob caused a time delay I know it has for me.. I know exactly wot you mean by having regrets.. I wish I hadnt bothered attending our pointless nhs appointment in June last year.. All he did was take us off the books tell us it was trying or ivf and as I have child from a previous relationship no funding.. It wasn't anything I hadn't already heard before.. Stupidly we waited from our first appointment with him dec( 2013 )to June..we really hoped he might run further tests to see why I wasn't conceiving or suggest another treatment option to us.. I guess we all live in hope hey but wot are without hope?! We could've had ivf by now!!! I think sometimes you need to try everything else first so you know that you've tried everything peace of mind without the wot ifs hanging over you..
Yes I would love to hear from other egg sharers how long it takes to be matched up.. I don't know if it varies from clinic to clinic..
Hope you feel better soon xxxx