Hi, had egg collection today and they collected 9 eggs. Waiting on a call in the morning to see how many fertilised. I had 17 follicles. The doctor came in and told me when I was still heavily sedated so I didn’t get to ask him. The nurse told me before the doctor would wait until my husband was back as I would be heavily sedated. I’m disappointed that I didn’t get to ask questions. Is 17 follicles down to 9 eggs collected normal? First time for me. Thanks in advance.
IVF egg collection today! : Hi, had egg... - Fertility Network UK
IVF egg collection today!
Hi Poldarkfan, I'm not sure about normal but I had over 20 follicles and they only got 7 eggs. 🤷♀️ It really is quantity over quality but I understand your disappointment. I was disappointed too. But I think 9 eggs is wonderful!!!! Fingers crossed that "the one" embaby is there waiting to stick!! Biggest hugs and best wishes! Xx
Hi lovely, they got 9 eggs collected from me too on my first collection which I thought was very good. I can see one of your tags is endo which I have too. For me I ended up with 3 one of which I am 16 weeks pregnant with after a frozen transfer. Just likeBelanalo said it’s definitely quality over quantity. Fingers crossed for your eggies xxx
Thank you so much for your replies! I really appreciate it! Will get a call today!
Update! Got the call and we have 5 eggs fertilised this morning! I’m feeling very good about this 😊❤️ We will get an update on Tuesday and hopefully it will be more good news and then transfer Wednesday or Thursday 🙏🙏🙏
That’s amazing congrats hope transfer goes well snd they keep growing
Thank you so much! Right now just praying we get to transfer stage! I will get an update on Tuesday to hear how many have made it to transfer stage! Allllll the good vibes 🙏❤️

I had five eggs fertilise and got two blastocysts - one is now 36 weeks big bump ready to pop and the other is in the freezer. Good luck! xxx
Aw thank you for this, it gives me great hope ❤️ Huge congrats and best of luck with the new baby
Good luck 😃, take care of yourself and eat lot of protein and Greek yogurt. Hope you get your BFP from very soon.
Oh really thank you for the tip! Would you advise this now or after transfer?