Buserelin injections the scan - Fertility Network UK

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Buserelin injections the scan

14 Replies

Hi everyone, This is my first IVF and my 11th day of doing Burserlin injections i have my scan next week but not really sure what it would involve does everyone know would it be like a ultrasound scan or a internal scan ? also would that be the day where i will start on Merional injections?

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14 Replies

Hello inhopeofababy. How are you. Most scans will be internal ones. And it Deoends on if the Injections so far have done what they have meant to. The clinic will let you know later that day of having blood test to. Or when you are there what tour next step is. Any other questions you have please feel free to ask. :) good luck for the scan. ️Xxx

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Thankyou you so much for your reply piglet12, it said in my notes a ultrasound scan not an internal scan, i better be prepared lol i think it will be shopping for some new knickers over the weekend. Im well thankyou how are you, are you going through ivf ? xx

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It might be thats what your clinic does then. But all mine have been internal. Which is no big deal. It's not as bad as a smear test. So it won't hurt or anything. It can give a clearer image that's all. And they don't see your knickers you get undressed and then cover your bottom Half up. Lol. Glad your ok. I have been doing icsi and we have had a postive result on Tuesday. :) xx

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Congratulations to you both, hope all goes well with your pregnancy. Yes i know what an internal scan is i've had more than my fair share of those i imagine i will just find out next week. X

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Thank you. We are over the moon. It was our sixth try. And last. So relieved it has finally worked. :-) I'm sure you will. I do hope you can go onto the next step. Let me know how it goes. X

Your sixth try, i bet you are so relieved, im so happy for you its worked this time around , i just cant imagine how it must had felt the first time it didn't. This is my and my husband first ivf were just praying it works for us the first time as i don't know what i will do if it doesn't and plus we don't have the money to try again. Will do. Make sure your taking care of your self and baby. xx

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We are very much relieved. It was not two bad as we new we had frozen ones to fall back on. It was harder when they kept failing to. Espec as we were told it should work for us. But now all that does not matter. :-) I really hope it works for you. But a fet cycle is much cheaper to do. will have everything crossed for you. I am defo taking care. Am working but on light duties. And not doing much hoursework either. We are not risking anything going wrong. ️Xx

Such great news piglet12!

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I just typed a huge reply and it disappeared!!! Let's try again!!! X

Such great news piglet12 Hello inhopeofababy!!!

I had my baseline scan last Monday having injected with buserilin for 20days. They check you endometrium (ideally around 5mm) mine was 5.9mm so I started my menopur on Wednesday - not so much fun as I'm already getting a few side effects, cramps, headaches and swelling and sore. However a small price to pay if it kicks my little ovaries into egg making action!!! Lol ( it's our second try) keep in touch as we're almost in sync so can help each other out XXXXX keep positive XXXXXX

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Hopefuljo, thankyou for your kind words, we are almost in sync it would be lovely to keep in touch and help each other out, im so sorry to hear its your second try and wishing you all the luck in the world and hoping it works for you both this time, its mine and my husband first IVF and were just praying it works for us the first time round as i dont know what i will do if it doesn't, it would be hard for us to get the money to try again and plus were not getting any younger as ive just turned 36 and my husband would be 43 Dec. Im so glad i found this site as it is really nice to know your not alone and just to have someone else to talk to thats going through the same as we are in trying to have a baby its hard to talk to your family and friends as they already have children its like they just don't understand what your going through. I have my scan next Wed so i will let you know how i get on, where about are you from? I was trying to send you a msg on here but for some reason it would'nt let me. I do hope all the side effects your having from your Menopur injections calms down for you just rememeber its all worth it and just keep on thinking the result your going to get from it at the end of it a little baby or two lol which we praying for twins as i really would love to have twins XXXXX

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Thanks Hons, this site is pretty amazing and I've only joined recently. You can read a little about my journey on my bio.

We paid a cancellation fee to keep our funding last time round. As you know it's one step at a time. But we may have to consider donor eggs if this fails again..., fingers crossed though. I'm at my first scan next Wednesday, so it'll be a telling day.... XXXXXX

Let's defo keep in touch XXXX Lots of luck to you too XXXXXX

hopefuljo, i have sent you a private msg i do hope you receive it, been having trouble in sending private msgs for some reason XXXX

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