Hi all I won't go into details with all the in's and out's of my story as I've got many previous posts which provide details. But basically after trauma and losses and no live births, I am really worried. I had a shock and found myself staring at 2 lines on a test 11 days ago. Since then had two HCG's done which showed doubling. This is my fourth pregnancy (no live birth) so as you can imagine I am very anxious because I've only ever known loss. I have never had strong symptoms in any pregnancy including the one I lost at 15 weeks. I'm feeling stressed because I only had one symptom which was mild breast tenderness (only on one side?) And this has diminished now. I'm worried this means something bad. Any stories that might help provide reassurance are appreciated. It's not the no symptoms as such, it's the disappearance of the only one I had. I'm 5 and a half weeks now. Really anxious and appreciate any kind words! X x
The only pregnancy symptom I had seem... - Fertility Network...
The only pregnancy symptom I had seems to have disappeared - please reassure me!

Hey lovely, really sorry about your losses 😔
For my current pregnancy, there were definitely more than one occasions in the first trimester where *all* my symptoms went away suddenly including breast tenderness - it freaked me out every time, but they usually came back and/or were swapped for other combinations of symptoms after a few days! And actually for me the breast tenderness never came back until the second trimester.
How long has your symptom been gone? I think it's too early to see anything on a scan so, you could perhaps do another HCG test, which is at this moment the most reliable way to see how the pregnancy is going. I had 4 HCG tests done in the week 4 & 5 and they offered me reassurance I needed whilst waiting for a viability scan.
Have you experienced any other worrying symptoms e.g. severe pain, bleeding? Are you under the care of your antenatal care provider? I'm sure given your history they'll have no problems booking you in for a scan at EPU in the coming weeks.
Otherwise, at this stage disappearance of symptoms doesn't necessarily mean something has gone wrong!
Worrying times I know... I'm sending you positive vibes, you've got this xxx
Thank you so much for replying to me. It's just freaked me out because I barely had any symptoms and the only one I had seems to have disappeared. I had the HCG between weeks 4 and 5 and then at 5 weeks I had a scan where a gestational sac and yolk sac was seen on scan. I was told before the scan not to expect a heartbeat as it would be too early so I was not surprised not to see one. I was scanned early just to make sure it was in the right place as I had a query of unknown location in February this year. I have had no pain or bleeding but am on progesterone despite it being natural conception. So I don't know if that would prevent bleeding if there was a problem. I'm just panicking because of my history although I know I won't know until we can get more info at next scan. The time in between is gruelling though x x
Mine definitely came and went! I don’t remember my boobs hurting constantly, far from it. I think the only symptom I had that stuck around was sickness from about week 8. Appreciate it’s so difficult not to over analyse all of this xx
Aw thank you so much for replying especially as I know you must have SO much going on. I appreciate it and I hope all is going okay. It's really hard not to analyse everything and my symptoms (or lack of them) really are just making me latch on as a reason to worry and evidence that something must be wrong. Even though it isn't really evidence at all and the rational part of me knows that x x sending tons of hugs your way
hi, I had no symptoms until at least 7 weeks. I had very very mild nausea at 6 weeks but I actually think this was anxiety. Thinking of you, I remember what an anxious wait it is, just try and get through 1 day at a time. The symptoms will soon come thick and fast xx 🍀🍀