Hlw ladies, hope all of you are doing well. I am currently 8 weeks with IVF. For the last 3 days, I am getting severe constipation. Taking lots of fibre and fluids, but it does not go away. Feeling pain in my back passage. So worried about it.. Today, dr gave me lactulose syrup. Still not feeling good. Anyone has gone through this and how long it will stay? Any suggestion for me pls.
About constipation in early pregnancy - Fertility Network...
About constipation in early pregnancy

Yep, last time it was the opposite early on and I had a bad stomach a lot of the time - I read it was normal to have changes like that, especially if on progesterone. This time it was constipation early on. Either way it's uncomfortable. I found fibogel sachets worked really well (I also took them after a c-section when constipation was severe and you really don't want it then!) and were gentle enough not have the opposite effect, worked within about 24 hours then taking them everyday made me go back to normal. Then it seemed to resolve itself by about 10 weeks. Sounds like you're already doing the right things diet wise (drink enough fluids, get complex carbs, fruit and veg etc - although I found they took longer to make any difference), and I found a warm milky drink like hot chocolate or weak tea could often have immediate effects. If you've seen your doctor about it then sounds normal and nothing to worry about, save not being great for you.
Thanks very much.. My doctor suggested to take suppositories with lactulose. I am afraid how long it will take time to resolve? I am following all fibres diet.
Sorry I haven't tried those (I took fibogel in a drink) so don't know how long they will take to work - probably best to ask your doctor or look at the patient information leaflet that came with them? This time my symptoms probably went on their own by about 10-12 weeks, around the same time my morning sickness started to get better.

This is very common during pregnancy and as 1st post says can be due to hormonal changes You are doing the right thing by increasing fibre in your diet + ensures drinking plenty of fluids Also make sure you are being physically active such as short walks Take a look at nhs.uk Constipation in pregnancy for more info
Take care
Hi trishabhowmik I had this pretty much full first trimester and into the second. I tried gentle exercise, fibre & drinking loads to no avail. I swapped my iron supplement to a gentle liquid one & eventually i was eating at least 2 prunes a day and drinking apple and orange juice & it seemed to go away. There's an odd day here & there it still happens. I had it really bad during the ivf treatment and I was recommended fibogel- I didn't need to have more than 2 days before it got better. Unfortunately it just seems to be another one of those things with pregnancy 🙃 hope it resolves soon for you!
Hi. Unfortunately I have severe IBS so it lasted throughout the whole pregnancy. Lactulose didn’t work for me so I had to go on stronger medication which is safe for pregnancy. I had to take this all the way through. Baby absolutely fine xx
I’m not sure if it is coincidence or not, I stopped taking probiotics and got constipated trimester 2. I’ve gone back to them and it has eased off. May be worth a try? I take bio-kult.