Hi guys,
hoping someone can give me some advice as I’m not sure what the best thing to do is and feeling a bit overwhelmed and worried.
I work as a support worker for adults with autism and some of those adults can be physical. I’m currently 25 weeks pregnant and this morning my work wanted me to work with someone who has previously been violent towards me (punching,kicking, throwing objects ect) and I said I wasn’t happy to work with them due to this. I spoke with someone from HR who just said that because the individual hasn’t shown violence in a certain time frame that they don’t see an issue with me working with them but I still don’t feel comfortable taking that risk.
I’ve taken the day as a sick day as I don’t want to be forced to work with someone I’m not comfortable with. I know my anxiety is probably higher than some but am I being unreasonable for refusing to work with them? Also what can I do if they try to make me work with them again? Not sure where to go from here as I’m due back in work tomorrow!
Any advice? Thank you