Baby is looking on the larger side πŸ˜¬πŸ˜‚ - Fertility Network...

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Baby is looking on the larger side πŸ˜¬πŸ˜‚

AuroraXen profile image
β€’39 Replies

Hi everyone. I hope you're all doing well, or at least are managing to stay sane...

I had my 32 week NHS growth scan today and fear I may be in for quite a big baby! She's either at or just below the 90th centile, weighing (supposedly) around 4 lb 13. The consultant (who I saw today for the 2nd time, for a total of about 120 seconds πŸ˜† ) didn't seem too worried. And I know percentiles and estimates of 'big babies' are often way off, so I'm not freaking out just yet.

I'll have another scan at 36 weeks, then the consultant will recommend his course of action. Pretty sure they'll want to induce me at 39 weeks. As much as I hate the idea of being induced (stories don't often seem to be nice 😒), I'm scared of going over term, as I read very early on (and have heard from all the doctors since) that if you're over 40, the advice is usually to strongly avoid going over term. I know it's my choice, at the end of the day, but although I'm generally much better with positivity and am mostly super excited about pregnancy now (to the point I think I'll miss it!), I still have moments where terrible fear grips me that things might not be ok 😒 And I don't think that fear is going to go anywhere, sadly, not until she's here (and probably not then, as all the worries of being a mother will kick off!) So I want to do anything I can to reduce the odds of complications.

Anyone else growing (apparently) chunky babies?! πŸ˜†


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AuroraXen profile image
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39 Replies
D1245 profile image

I am in the same boat and I’m only small so I’m all belly! Off for grown scan number 3 tomorrow at 36 weeks 5 days as I either look too small or too big each time they measure me. Currently looking too big at almost 90th percentile

Try not to panic (pot kettle black as I definitely panicked!) as you’re doing amazing and baby girl is doing well if the medical professionals are not worried 😊 I feel the same that I won’t rest until she’s here but we will get there. I think it’s normal to worry after what we’ve been through but we’re doing it!

Take care of yourself xx

sj482 profile image
sj482β€’ in reply toD1245

my 32 week scan had two predictions depending on the the formulas - 27th or 50th. They predicted at 32 weeks it was 1750g, I was induced at 34 +4 due to breaking waters and son was born weighing 1720g. How they think they can predict a weight from 2 d measures I’ll never know!!

D1245 profile image
D1245β€’ in reply tosj482

that’s true. A lot of wrong predictions across the board!

AuroraXen profile image
AuroraXenβ€’ in reply toD1245

Ahhh sorry to hear you're grappling with this too. How strange that it alternates between 'too' small and 'too' big! That must indicate how baseless all the measurements sometimes are... Thank you for the reassurance Lovely, it's good to know that even in the third trimester others also still have worries! xx

D1245 profile image
D1245β€’ in reply toAuroraXen

It’s the fundal measurements which are a load of rubbish I’ve found as baby has been fine every time thankfully!

Hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well, not long to go 😊 xx

AuroraXen profile image
AuroraXenβ€’ in reply toD1245

I know, you too! Getting very close 😬 😍 xx

Gerbear22 profile image

Hi there.At my 32 week scan our little girl was measuring 5lbs and at my 36 week scan she was weighing 6.5lbs.My consultant said all looked great with her.x

AuroraXen profile image
AuroraXenβ€’ in reply toGerbear22

Thank you for sharing. I hope I hear this at my 35 week scan 😘 xx

Ive just heard at this week that mine is now all of a sudden measuring in the 98th percentile. I feel quite sick with worry about it, so can’t really offer any support other than to say I’m in that boat too.

I’ve also been looking at the options with birth and got myself so confused as to what’s best. The more I panic about it the more I wonder whether I should talk to my midwife about an elective C section.

I sometimes wonder what the benefit of the growth scans are as so many people say that they are inaccurate and cause more worry than help.

AuroraXen profile image
AuroraXenβ€’ in reply to

Ahhh I'm sorry you're worried too 😒 It's hard isn't it. I keep telling myself the doctors would /will take some course of action if they are concerned, and that measurements seem to often be rubbish anyway, but it's hard to keep those little voices out of my head at times!

I've resigned myself to the fact that I don't know what's going to happen, birth 'plan'-wise and won't until at least my 36 week scan. We'll have to see how she's measuring then, how she's lying etc, and then I'll see what the doctors recommend. At the minute I'm trying to work on the assumption that it'll likely be an induction for me, but obviously that that might still end in a c-section. Like with all things fertility-related, a crystal ball would be lovely! As I'd definitely want a planned section over one that comes in after 4 days of failed induction, sigh... but for now I'm trying to just read up on what I can, so I feel I at least understand the options, and hope she just keeps developing ok. You never know Lovely, you could get to your next growth scan and find she's measuring bang on! xx

Yellow611 profile image

Hiya, I had my little boy 4 weeks ago and he was off the chart big from 30 weeks, above all the lines. I had constant scans and eventually they realised I had a lot of fluid, in fact it was over a litre on delivery day. I was advised to have a planned c section as I am over 40 and because it was booked for 39 weeks there was no other action needed to be taken. My hospital wouldn't let me go over 40 weeks and if my section had not been booked I think they would have brought it sooner than 40 weeks. I assume you wish to have a natural birth, but if you end up changing your mind, I found my section a really positive experience and I am recovering well.

Good luck and try not too worry xx

AuroraXen profile image
AuroraXenβ€’ in reply toYellow611

Thank you for sharing Yellow! How are you getting on with your new addition? To be honest I'm not especially wedded to a vaginal birth, and if the consultant recommends a planned section I'll actually be pretty content with that I think!

I guess like everyone I worry a bit that if I have a section I won't be able to easily pick up the baby etc (especially if she's a whopper πŸ˜‚) but then others say they have no problem with that side! Xx

Yellow611 profile image
Yellow611β€’ in reply toAuroraXen

Hiya we are both doing well thank you. Though going with the sleep deprivation but all worth it.

I couldn't pick my boy up very easily for about 3 days but it was doable. It helps if you have someone who can help you out with lots of things after the section but holding the baby is possible as you will need to feed, change and comfort then.

Good luck xx

Missl73 profile image

Both my sons were over the 95th centile my second was the 98th and it was all fine and I’m slim and quite tiny myself. I did have an EMCS for my first but not related to his size and an elective section for my second again not due to size but because of my previous section. The positive with big babies is they feel so robust and healthy from the start although it can feel like you don’t have a long newborn phase. They were both such roly poly chunky babies that I always felt that they had plenty in reserve whenever they got poorly! It will also make you super fit and strong!!

AuroraXen profile image
AuroraXenβ€’ in reply toMissl73

That's a good point about bigger babies feeling a bit more robust! I AM actually really nervous about handling a teeny tiny baby πŸ˜‚ so the fact that's looking less likely is maybe not a bad thing 😍 xx

Hey, my little one was measuring above the 95th percentile on all the scans and was around 6 pounds when born at 37 weeks. I think growth scans are useful in the sense they can pick up any big change in growth which might indicate an issue but not great for estimating weight which is understandable when you try to measure a baby that can move, puff out or suck in their stomach etc. try not to worry as so long as baby is growing from scan to scan then that’s good news. Also, when it comes to delivery I just made a plan for all eventualities and baby decided for me in the end. Ultimately there are good things and not so good things about all methods. Your medical team have your best interests so they will keep you right. All the best going forward.x Incidentally, we did induction, labour, and in the end C-section ( all very manageable) so if you have any questions, feel free to message me.x

AuroraXen profile image
AuroraXenβ€’ in reply to

Wow, that is quite a difference from what you'd imagine in the 95th percentile (even with baby coming a bit early). I think I'm going to adopt your approach to delivery plans! Did you go for C-Section after trying ventouse and forceps or forgo those and go straight for a CS? xx

β€’ in reply toAuroraXen

Hey, they tried forceps but baby moved into the wrong position so that made the decision for us. In the end, I was pleased I chose to have an epidural as that helped with the forceps & they just topped it up for the c- section but choice of pain management is a very individual thing.

Jane8412 profile image

I’m another one who was told my baby was very big at my 36 week scan. He was born at 36+5 and was 3.025kg and perfectly healthy. Sending you lots of luck for your last few weeks xx

AuroraXen profile image
AuroraXenβ€’ in reply toJane8412

Ah thank you Lovely xx

DolphinJ profile image

I could be wrong but I think the growth charts are adapted to your bmi and weight at first appointment. Im short and healthy bmi. So my baby is about 90th percentile for what they expect for me and I think she is predicted to be 7 and a half pounds full term. So not small but not huge. I don't know if this helps or not. Anyway, the doctor didn't seem remotely bothered by the size and all my appointments have been quick like yours. Im sure if it was a concern theyd say. Im getting induced on wednesday at 40 weeks. Slightly nervous as i have small hips but again, the doctor wasn't bothered about that too xx

AuroraXen profile image
AuroraXenβ€’ in reply toDolphinJ

Thanks Dolphin. Like you say, I'm trying to take my cues to worry or not from the hospital team, and the consultant couldn't have been less bothered πŸ˜† So let's see. Wow, so you were induced last week! How exciting, I hope all went ok sweetheart xx

DolphinJ profile image
DolphinJβ€’ in reply toAuroraXen

Thank you. All fine and beautiful little daughter is now in cot next to me πŸ₯° thanks

DolphinJ profile image
DolphinJβ€’ in reply toDolphinJ

7 and 13 at birth xx

AuroraXen profile image
AuroraXenβ€’ in reply toDolphinJ

Oh wow!! 😍 I'm so happy for you Lovely, congratulations! xx

Fruitandflowers profile image

Mine was chunky throughout - she was around 90 to >98th percentile at various points and 9lbs when born at 38 weeks. I had a planned c section in part because of her size but not solely because of that. The nurses and older family members all thought it was best to have a big chubby baby and actually she didn't feed well at all at first and lost quite a bit of weight so it was good she had some to lose. She quickly got it back again and remained big and the rolls of fat on her thighs are really very funny. It's totally natural to be scared but I think there can be complications or alternatively no complications no matter what size they are so maybe try to move that one down your list of worries :)

AuroraXen profile image
AuroraXenβ€’ in reply toFruitandflowers

I've heard that before actually, that if you DO have a bigger baby and they struggle to feed or are poorly at first they seem that bit more resilient. So that's definitely a plus, if she is indeed a big 'un πŸ˜†Thank you for the reassurance Lovely xx

Purple276 profile image

Hey,Congrats on 32 weeks πŸ˜€ It's so nice when we can shift from disbelief to feeling the baby move daily and quite enjoy being pregnant!

I am 34 weeks and also have a chunky little lady! Her weight has been consistently >95% and I've just had my second diabetes check and like you waiting for 36 week scan to see what the consultant will suggest. He mentioned either induction or elected CS and will be for us to decide and have no idea what I think will be best.

I also don't know if baby is going to really be that big and measurements are definitely not always accurate from what others have said.

Should have guessed like IVF we have limited control and no idea what will happen so trying to stay calm and positive that whatever she'll be healthy and at least if early will have a good weight to her still!

Hope the next 4 weeks go well and keep us posted 😊 xx

AuroraXen profile image
AuroraXenβ€’ in reply toPurple276

Hi Purple, thank you for your reply. It IS so nice when you can enjoy pregnancy! I do think I'll really miss her being in there, actually πŸ’šπŸ’š Now that her movement is much more noticeable, I actually love it. And touch wood I've been very lucky with pregnancy side effects really. I have to admit, as we get nearer to her coming out, I've started to get some new concerns again 😒 Not my mind has moved on to worrying about things like SIDS etc πŸ˜ͺ I need to have a word with myself, but as always it's just the 'wow, we've been so lucky, and I'm not used to things going well' doubts creeping back! I honestly don't think I could go on if anything went wrong now😭. I'm going to have to find a way to cope with these worries once she's here, and make sure they don't take over. I can already see that... I know life as a parent is never-ending worry, in a way, I just hope it doesn't get too bad and I can keep things in proportion.

Let me know what your consultant says at 36 weeks. It's really hard not knowing what choices to make and what care to ask for, isn't it! There really don't seem to be any great options where birth is concerned πŸ˜† Just different ones, with different drawbacks. I'm usually someone who likes to make decisions myself, but I feel this is all such a minefield and I know so little, that as long as I can ask the team about % outcomes etc, I'm happy for them to advise me - whatever is best to get baby out safely!


Purple276 profile image
Purple276β€’ in reply toAuroraXen

Morning,Oh I have started worrying about the post birth what ifs but currently lying here feeling the baby hiccup so all my worry has gone out of the window and just feels amazing to have got here!

My scan at 36+1 yesterday estimated weight at 7lb 15 😳 I genuinely thought it would show a slightly lower trajectory as been eating salads and super healthy and also bump is pretty neat and not huge but no baby is still chubby and clearly nothing I can do to impact that.

Will let you know what the consultant says this morning and hope they are helpful with talking through the risks to baby and to me with the various options.

HollyT7 profile image

oh yes both over the 97th centile, my first ended up being 8lb 9 and my second was estimated over 9lb and only ended up being 8lb. Both induced because of size, first induction wasn’t great with no pain relief working but my second was amazing despite huge bleeds after birth! I’d do my second all over again, I really enjoyed it and had the best midwives and it wasn’t in the middle of covid! If your induced my top tip would be have an epidural before the drip (100%!!) All the best lovely! ❀️

AuroraXen profile image
AuroraXenβ€’ in reply toHollyT7

Ah thanks Holly, it's good to hear a positive induction story! I'll remember your top tip! xx

Solly-44 profile image

Hiya lovely,

So apparently My current baby is perfectly average sized, but my son was 99th centile πŸ˜… He came at 38 and a bit weeks and weighed 9lb 12oz. I know quite a few people where estimated weights have been off but for us it was very accurate. I was told I’d be induced anyway at 39 weeks due to IVF but opted for a c section for various reasons. Xx

AuroraXen profile image
AuroraXenβ€’ in reply toSolly-44

Wow, 99th percentile! C-Section was a good decision there Lovely πŸ˜† I do feel like my bump is pretty big, so I wouldn't be surprised at all if she does end up in the larger reaches of the scale 😱 She was measuring bang-on for months, at ever scan (and we've done lots 🀣), up until the period between maybe 24 and 32 weeks. Anyway, I'll see what she's measuring in another couple of weeks! xx

Solly-44 profile image
Solly-44β€’ in reply toAuroraXen

Yep, apparently if we’d gone to 40 weeks he’d have been around 11lb πŸ˜…πŸ™ˆ How are you doing anyway? Feeling prepared?? So close now xx

AuroraXen profile image
AuroraXenβ€’ in reply toSolly-44

Oh gosh, SO not prepared πŸ˜† We've got most of the key things we need, i think, not all yet. But work is so busy (so stressful trying to get things sorted out for being gone for 7 months!) that I feel I've hardly done any research! I always found being around tiny babies so hard, and the result was, more often than not, i avoided it all the years we were struggling. The result though is that I know pretty much nothing about how to care for a newborn!! Am getting a bit panicked, ha ha. Have our first NCT class tomorrow, but I'm already nervous that I'll look like a fool there πŸ˜©πŸ˜‚ xx

Solly-44 profile image
Solly-44β€’ in reply toAuroraXen

Oh you won’t look a fool, and all my friends who have done them made long term friends there. I’m a bit jealous as all ours were online videos due to covid!

We were clueless with my son. I didn’t even know how to fasten a nappy so I asked the midwife for help the first time, and said it was because I had to sit down because of my c section πŸ˜‚ You will be grand xx

hooray! You are nearly there!

My little one was a whopper and over 95% all the way through but when she came out at 39 weeks she was only 7lbs 11 so not actually that big at all.

Heaps of luck and keep us updated xx

AuroraXen profile image
AuroraXenβ€’ in reply to

Ah wow you're right that really isn't so big at all Daisy, how interesting. How are you getting on? Are you healing ok from the op? xx

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