What happens at the first consultant ... - Fertility Network...

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What happens at the first consultant appointment?

AuroraXen profile image
17 Replies

Hi everyone, I hope you're all hanging on in there 🤞

This is probably a daft question but I can't get through to the secretary at my local hospital maternity assessment unit to ask, so thought I'd try here 😘

I'm nearly 15 weeks and because I've just turned 42, I'm on the high risk path 😢 and have to have consultant as well as midwife care. I've got an appointment with a consultant tomorrow and have just realised I actually don't know what on earth he/she will do!

Do they just repeat all the questions the midwife asked again? I'll be taking my notes of course. But any idea if they'll do another scan (in which case I need a full bladder!), listen to the heartbeat? 🙏 Should I take a urine sample? 🤷‍♀️

The lady who did my dating scan just after Christmas booked me for this, and I was so relieved at seeing the baby was ok that I didn't even think to ask what this appointment was about 😆

Guess the answer to this might depend on where in the UK you are, but any insights would be gratefully received 🙏


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AuroraXen profile image
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17 Replies

Hey fellow 42 year old!

Yes I was also 'high risk' but as my pregnancy has progressed they have relaxed a bit.

The consultant appointments are prob different depending on where you are, mine was general chat, urine sample, feel of my tummy and listening to the heartbeat.

I have had a previous pregnancy so a bit of a chat about that....

Also some basic chats about preferences for birth - inductions, delivery suite or birth centre with midwife etc....

Congratulations and best of luck!


AuroraXen profile image
AuroraXen in reply to

Thank you so much for replying. You're right, I'm sure this will vary from one CCG to the next... but it's really helpful to know what you encountered, at least. I'd LOVE it if the consultant is able to listen to the heartbeat! Haven't heard that yet, and as I guess we all do, I just live for signs of reassurance these days 🙏🥰

Good heads-up about birth talk! I know it's nuts but I really haven't thought that far ahead yet 😆 Have been mostly trying to take it all bit by bit, self-preservation I guess. So good to know that might come up xx

in reply to AuroraXen

Yes just take things at your own pace re birth plan etc. I had a baby 4 years ago so a bit easier to discuss the birth.

I think my consultant appointment was slightly later than 15 weeks...

Best of luck with it!!


Solly-44 profile image


I was considered consultant led for my first pregnancy but only ended up seeing her twice. We just had a chat, no scan or heartbeat listen etc for me but perhaps that bit depends on why someone’s considered high risk? It was nice to have someone very senior to ask questions though so think of any you might have! She was also really brilliant about birth plans and told me from the get go I could have the c section I wanted (which gave me confidence to push for this later on when the antenatal team pushed back). It’s never nice hearing you’re considered high risk (I know I will be too) but try to see it as a positive, you’ll be really well looked after and consultant led can be helpful in getting things done! Xx

AuroraXen profile image
AuroraXen in reply to Solly-44

Ah that's interesting Solly - yes I've heard we don't tend to see much of the consultants 😆 But you're right, in a way it IS quite nice to know there's someone to go to with questions and worries besides the normal midwife team. Your experience is really useful to know about, as I can make sure to ask him/her some of the questions I have about the end of pregnancy. Honestly, not many right now! I'm very very ill-informed. I've been too nervous to read ahead much or think much about the baby actually coming out 😂 Think I'm scared of jinxing it by getting too sure of myself or something... how silly is that? 😢 But I was reading recently about all the guidance for older ladies to have early inductions, so I'll ask them about that, for instance. How are you getting on? xx

Solly-44 profile image
Solly-44 in reply to AuroraXen

Doesn’t sound silly at all, I’m right there with you! Yes, forgot to say that but she did talk about inductions as it’s my hospitals policy to not let us golden oldies 🤦‍♀️😂 go overdue. Again that will vary because my friend who’s older gave birth up the road and wasn’t offered one so it’s all a bit hit and miss. I’m ok thanks, full of nerves (aren’t we all) but have my 12 week scan in a couple of weeks and will feel a lot better if that goes well. Xx

AuroraXen profile image
AuroraXen in reply to Solly-44

Golden oldies 😂 Honestly, I've never felt so old as when I'm reading my maternity notes book 😆 Thanks for your support, hoping time flies by time your 12 week scan 💗 (I feel kind of guilty for how much I seem to be wishing my pregnancy away, always looking to the next week to be ticked off 😔. Hoping I can start to cherish it all better soon) xx

Hey, hooray for 15 weeks!!

‘High risk’ is really just because you ticked a couple of boxes (over 40, IVF pregnancy etc) so I wouldn’t stress about it too much. It’s actually only as my pregnancy has progressed that I’ve been ‘properly’ classed as high risk and how have consultant appointments every four weeks, most others you will have this one and maybe another one around 32 weeks as the next one. To be honest the way I reconcile it in my head is that i am being very looked after and try ignore the risk of word!

My first appointment was a lot about my history, gynae surgery and miscarriages etc., which then informs them how much extra care you will need. For me she talked through the risks associated with my history and how she planned to monitor me. She also helped me with a repeat prescription for my blood thinners and listened to the heartbeat 💗

You will be fine! Good luck xx

AuroraXen profile image
AuroraXen in reply to

Thanks so much Daisy. You're right, it feels a bit scary to see the words 'high risk' but actually, having another person to meet with and review your case is probably a good thing! Especially if the pregnancy proves complicated down the road.

Oh, I'd LOVE to be able to hear the heartbeat (or actually just know someone else could hear it!). I'm like a junkie right now, desperate for all signs the baby is doing ok 😂💚 Finding out the gender with the NIPT (it's a little girl!) has made it SO much more real and my anxiety has actually shot up since then 🤷‍♀️

How are you getting on? I'm so sorry to hear you're having complexities with the placenta, as if you haven't had enough stress!! But it's good that you're getting top expert care on a regular basis


in reply to AuroraXen

I totally get it, weeks 15-18 were definitely my worst. I also found out I was having a girl through NIPT and then the 12 week scan was fab and then there was nothing to reassure me!! I was sooo relieved and excited to hear a heartbeat and felt so reassured.. for about a week haha and then started panicking again! But then when bump popped and movement started it got easier for a bit, and you aren't far away from that now! I think I bought my first pregnancy book after hearing the heartbeat and it was one of those 'whats happening on this day' books which I found quite reassuring and made it more real.

I am doing ok. I am trying not to think about anything but equally panicking about everything! I've been referred to a specialist so will know more after that hopefully. For the time being just hoping baby keeps growing at the rate she has so far as at my last scan this week she was 95th percentile and 'a bit big' lols.

Let us know how you get on xx

AuroraXen profile image
AuroraXen in reply to

The 95th percentile, wow! That's fab, she must be nice and content 😊 All went well this morning, and I got to hear the heartbeat which was amazing and so reassuring 💗 I'm hoping it'll feel happier and more relaxed when she starts moving (though will likely just start a fresh type of worrying 😆) xx

in reply to AuroraXen

Amazing news!! So glad it went well and you heard the heartbeat!! xx

StarsAllAround profile image

Hi AuroaXen, I had a consultant appointment around the same time. A nurse did a urine sample, checked my weight, blood test and blood pressure then after a bit of waiting in waiting room consultant called us through for a chat. She told me that I would have to take 40mg of blood thinner injections daily from 26 weeks till 6 weeks after birth but as I was border line high risk she discharged me back too midwife care and gave me prescription for blood thinners. If I hadn't been discharged to midwifes I was told I would have to attend hospital every other week of pregnancy too repreat those tests. Might be different in your area though x

AuroraXen profile image
AuroraXen in reply to StarsAllAround

Thank you for sharing 😍 You're right, I guess it's slightly different everywhere. Tests all fine they're putting me on baby aspirin (just like good old IVF days 😆) to reduce risk of pre-eclampsia becayse of my age. But I heard the heartbeat which was lovely xx

sj482 profile image

I am also appointment led just because I was ivf. My midwife told me they always refer all ivf pregnancies to consultants regardless of age. My first appointment is straight after my 20 week scan which for me is great as gets the visit to hospital on one hit! :)

AuroraXen profile image
AuroraXen in reply to sj482

It's the age-thing for me (amazingly, this was a natural pregnancy in the end 😱!) Ah that's great that you get a 2-in1 😁 Very efficient! Xx

AuroraXen profile image

Thanks for your insights everyone, had no idea what to expect 😄 Took a urine sample and the nurse my did my BP, then it was as a chat with the consultant. He was a man of few words 😆 which always inspires me to babble even more, somehow 😬🤦‍♀️

He put me on baby aspirin as a precaution for pre-eclampsia due to age, but we didn't actually talk for long! Touch-wood, apart from my age, I guess things are quite straightforward on paper... no significant health conditions or allergies or medical history (aside from the unexplained fertility issues!). So I guess I wasn't very interesting to him 😆

But we heard the baby's heartbeat which I was so hoping he'd do, and that was magical 🤩 Hoping it sustains me for another week or two at least🙏! Xx

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