This is more of a rant/looking for people experiencing the same!
I am going to caveat it with the fact that I am a midwife, and I will go to triage if I am really worried. I will also be looking at how I discuss movements with women in future, as I don't think the advice we give covers the vast range of movements people have - and not all babies have patterns (my little horror being one of them it turns out!!)
But is anyone being slowly driven mad by mild anxiety about movements? I am 29 weeks pregnant and have an anterior placenta that is very much in the way. I feel something every day, but last week it was kicking my left side where the placenta isn't and they were huge, now it's behind the placenta and feels like flutters. It also has no pattern at all! Some nights I'll feel it at 4am, then at lunch time, then in the evening. Other days it won't wake up until 10 but then continuously do it, and some days I really have to focus to even notice anything.
I was going to call last week but was sent in anyway due to baby measuring really small with the tape measure, and monitoring was great and on the scan it's huge 🤦🏼♀️ and was moving everywhere and I couldn't feel a thing!
I think I just want to know I'm not going insane, and other people are having the same sort of experience. Any tips to manage anxiety would be welcome!!