Hi everyone. I would like to ask for your thoughts on my situation. I did an at-home pregnancy test last week Monday and both 2 came out with 2 lines. I went to the OB and had me scheduled for a scan next week. My worries are the following: Since last week Wednesday, I am having scant amounts of brown to pinkish spots when I wipe, some have tissue like things. Last week I had mild cramps and until now I feel some poking feelings by my shoulder, pelvic area, lower abdomen, lower babk and such. Had no sex for almost a month now. Only pregnancy symptom I have is occasional sore or breast tenderness. No nausea or food aversion nor vomitting. My OB told me such spotting is normal. Any thoughts? Thanks a lot.
6 weeks pregnant, Brown Spotting - Fertility Network...
6 weeks pregnant, Brown Spotting

I had this until 12 weeks when I stopped progesterone pesseries. I didn't get morning sickness until bang on 6 weeks with my first and 4+6 with my second, no sore boobs with second either xx
Thanks for this, HollyT7 . May I know whether you have had any pregnany complications or do I really need not worry at all? I am thinking of taking another home PT before my scan just for peace of mind. I get quite worried when I feel some poking on my body. First time pregnancy.

Hi Jipalk. This could be from some irritation to the cervix if you are using pessaries. If so, you could try using them in your back passage to give the front a rest. occasionally an infection could be the cause. Drink plenty of water and if it persists speak to your GP. Diane

Hi. I am so sorry to hear this, and hope you have plenty of support around you just now. Thinking of you. Diane xx

Hi. Oh I am so sorry to hear this, and hope you have got plenty of support around you just now. Thinking of you. Diane xx