Hi everyone, hope you guys are all good ❤️ I've been a bit quiet on here as I recently had covid and struggled (being on steriods didn't help) but I'm over it now thankfully 😅 wasn't nice but as long as bubs is OK I'm happy. Just a quick one, can constipation cause lower cramps on and off and also backache? Has anyone had this? I saw bubs on Tuesday they did a scan as they like to check on baby after covid and baby seems absolutely fine. I can't seem to go toilet properly number 2, literally little bit each time (sorry tmi) and feel so uncomfortable. Should i be concerned about the cramps? ❤️
15 weeks cramps and backache - Fertility Network...
15 weeks cramps and backache

I was like this after covid for a while kinda like I lost the muscles to help it along the way and didn't feel 'empty' 🙄. I've no doubt it can cause uncomfortable cramps, just keep an eye and if you have concerns, give the midwife a call.p.s I cant believe how quick it's going, 15 weeks already! 💙
Thanks Holly ❤️ I know still can't believe it! How have i got here 😳 Just spoke to my midwife thanks for advice, she just said keep an eye on it and if gets worse go a&e. How many weeks are you now? Did you find out the sex? Hope you're doing ok xxx
Glad your feeling much better after covid! I remember having backache/cramps on and off which I put down to bowels. Your digestive system slows down in pregnancy (another lovely symptom lol) Try fresh orange/coke/liquorice (in moderation) if you can stomach any of those. If not talk to your doctor they can help 👍🏽 I remember pooping dark green for a while that was very unpleasant but it sorted itself out 🥴
I got really bad constipation lovely. If you can get on top of it now that would be good. Prunes, syrup of figs, if it isn't getting any better speak to your midwife, I had to get some lactulose and before that I ended up with piles which wasn't great.😳🙈xxx
Sorry to hear about covid! I can imagine it was tough! I hope you will fully recover Soon. My doctor recommended magnesium to speed up my digestion. I got one that comes in powder. It tastes very nice and it also helps with leg cramps.
Just to add I had stomach cramps around week 13. It started as period cramps but during the following days turned into UTI. My midwife told me UTI symptoms can be different in pregnancy.