Just wondering if someone can help settle me after an awful week.
I'm 19 weeks pregnant after a long IVF journey with a missed miscarriage last year. On Monday just gone I went to A&E after GP trip, temp and high heart rate.
I had confirmed flu after a colleague brought into work. I was vaccinated for flu in October but it has still hit me hard and I'm terrified for baby. I managed to keep my temperature down below 38 with cold compress and paracetamol and although this has gone, I have absolutely no energy and sleeping most of the day.
After everything we've been through I'm desperate for baby to be okay. Doppler on Thursday showed baby had strong heartbeat but not having my 20 w scan for another week and a bit and I'm so worried as I feel so ill.
I've reached out to midwives but just hoping someone has some reassuring stories to tell here
Thank you xxx