First time posting on here as I was determined to be positive and enjoy my pregnancy and not worry until there was something to really worry about. But now I’m worrying 😢😢
I am 11+2 today, and for the past few days I’ve been getting, on and off cramps that are worrying me. They feel like period cramps. Not just abdominal cramps but proper low down vaginal cramps. Abdominal cramps I can put down to ligaments etc stretching as I know at 11 weeks baby has just doubled in size, but these just just feel like period cramps. Not really painful and no bleeding. Though I’m still on progesterone.
i was due to stop 2 cyclogest a day yesterday and my IVF clinic just said don’t worry and still stop. But it was really worrying me so I called my local EPU and they said I could carry on and they would get me another script. They also booked me in for a scan on Wednesday as my 12 weeks scan isn’t for another couple of weeks.
I previously had a MMC at 9+4 s as no how I’m terrified for Wednesday to hear those gut wrenching words again 😢😢😢
I don’t want false reassurances or negative stories, but are these cramps normal?? Am I over reacting? Could it be constipation?!